i (21f) have never really had good guy friends until last year. i struggle with talking to people in general. i have become good friends w/ someone (20m) over the past year, and i am grateful to have a good friend although i have had feelings for him for several months. we are also in the same friend group at college so it would be difficult to completely avoid him. i shut down my thoughts earlier this year because i knew it was never going to happen, and now i feel guilty for letting myself think about him. he is in a longterm, long distance relationship though. i’m not dating anyone now because i genuinely wouldn’t know how to start, so i don’t really know how to get over this guy without cutting off a good friend. i don’t even know that i would then.

i also want to make it clear that i would never act on these feelings. this situation kind of breaks my heart because i have so much trouble finding people that i can talk to this easily.

part of me keeps hoping a weird amount and i don’t like it. how do i tell myself that no, in a year or two we won’t end up together, we probably won’t even speak anymore.

also, now i feel guilty for when i do spend time with him. if my mind wouldn’t get in the way, i could have really great moments with him and not want anything more.

1 comment
  1. Instead of trying so hard to stop thinking about this one guy friend, try flipping the script in your head and try thinking of ways you can make new guy friends. Perhaps you have this one guy on a pedestal because you don’t have enough guy friends?

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