I was having a discussion with my friend and he said it’s fairly common for friends to end up dating. Is that actually a thing? All of my past experiences point to that being a no, as there should be attraction from the start? Can that actually happen and if so why does that happen?

  1. Anytime a group of people spend consistent time with each other, some of them are bound to like each other a certain way, and can even end up dating each other. The same can also be said for negative feelings, and why people can end up hating each other over time. When you get to know people, you will eventually find out how compatible you are with them.

  2. Happened to me quite a few times. Sure, there might have been some interest on their part, but I only saw them as friends, until one day I realized there was more. If you spend a lot of time with someone, one or both of you will probably catch some kind of feelings eventually.

  3. Many friends end up dating, when it happens it was usually the girl who was attracted first, and the guy finally got a clue then he asked her out.

    When the guy is attracted first, it doesn’t usually end well. If the guy makes a move, he is likely to lose friends and may even get ostracized from that social circle. I learned that lesson the hard way once, I did not repeat that mistake. Friends stay in the friendzone.

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