Okay so you don’t have a job and you already looked for one but you can’t find any. Plus, you have no money. What would you do?

  1. Sell anything I can let go, cut down expenses as far as I can, continue looking for a job. Ask parents for a small loan. Maybe start a blog in the meanwhile or do content writing related work to earn income.

  2. Was jobless for the past 6 years (most of the time at least) because I didn’t want to put up with bad working conditions. I tried a few odd jobs but everytime I wasn’t happy, I just left.

    I’m not jobless anymore but if I was then I’d just live my life as always playing videogames, just in a smaller apartment and less luxuries. Since I live in Germany I stopped stressing myself, Welfare would make sure that I have food and a place to live no matter what.

    I guess it really depends on which country you live in?

  3. I would do the paperwork to get my ALG I by Arbeitsagentur, so I would basically get around 60% of my former wage which would pay my costs. Not luxurious, but okay.

  4. I would rely on my husband to support me. If we both had lost our jobs then we’d have to sell our house and move in with either of our parents until we found jobs. And live off savings while looking/do some small things for extra income like surveys or selling things online.

  5. If I were to become jobless right now I’d get about 2000€/month in unemployment benefits for a year which is more than enough to pay for my monthly expenses and I’m sure I’d be able to find a new job during that time. But if not I’d be in a different category of unemployment benefits and I’d get like 1000€/month which wouldn’t be enough to cover my expenses right now, but I could make it work by being very frugal so I’d still be fine, but it would not be very enjoyable.

  6. I’d keep job hunting and would look into unemployment benefits. I’d ask around in cafes and bars if they were hiring, even if it was cash in hand. I’d also start selling the possessions I can spare (I have a lot of clothes), and I’d save more instead of going out, buying coffee, etc.

    I’m very fortunate that my parents let me live with them while I save to buy a house, but if I were renting, I’d move back home to save more money.

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