Me (f19) and my ex (m19) broke up over 2 weeks ago and I’ve been having strange, brand new, anonymous accounts follow and unfollow me on Instagram. Each time I block one, another one is made and follows me, then unfollows me within seconds. Not only do this fake accounts all have usernames that rhyme with each other but they all have my exes phone number and email linked to them, which is how I know it’s him. I can see that he is constantly looking at my Instagram profile throughout the day, because every time I post an Instagram story, there is a fake account lingering in my story views less than an hour after I’ve posted it each time. He unblocked me on messenger the other day and sent a message to “clear things up” but firmly did not want to get back together and during this conversation he repeatedly denied missing me and claimed he was “doing fantastic without me” Shortly after this conversation of him reaching out to “clear things up” and becoming nasty saying we should’ve broke up a long time ago, he re-blocked me on messenger. Which confuses me so much because why is he totally obsessing over me and stalking me online if he does not miss me. I don’t miss him much at all and yet I’m not relentlessly stalking him online and putting in effort to keep making lots of new fake accounts to stalk him, so if he doesn’t miss me too then why is he doing all these things.

TL;DR- my ex claims not to miss me and says he’s doing fantastic without me yet keeps on stalking me online.

  1. Look, whatever “reasons” he has for doing these things, why do you care? You say you don’t miss him, so stop giving him the satisfaction of knowing he’s constantly in your head (when he knows you’ve seen him follow/unfollow you or watch your stories). Just make your profile private for a little while, and/or disengage from using Instagram entirely for a short while, disregard which message you think is perceived of you in his head and move on with your life.

    He’s an ex, and clearly you made the right choice in ending the relationship.

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