I would personally say being generous and paying attention to what your partners want, what turn them on, and being a great teaser.

  1. For me it’s hands down paying attention. I gave not subtle clues about what I like and mysteriously most of my life, guys have missed them.

    The rule of thumb for me is if I’m making happy noises, keep doing that. If I’ve gone silent, change it up.

  2. Focus, patience, courtesy and respect of their partner’s boundaries.

    Focus includes listening and paying attention to the non-verbal cues.

  3. Listening to the other persons body. Also confidence. If you’re listening to what the other persons needs/wants/likes are, rather than acting on your own pleasure the whole time, you’ll have a great session (As long as it’s reciprocated).

  4. For me it’s enthusiasm and listening to feedback. If I’m with someone and they seem like they’re just so excited to be there I find that pretty hot, even if they aren’t very experienced or the best lovers. Someone who takes feedback and runs with it is great as well. Especially if they remember the feedback for the next time.

    I’ve been monogamous with the same partner for 10 years now. But I remember the ‘before’ time. And even now with my current partner, my needs and wants have changed a little during that time. I’ve had to show him what I like and how to do it. And he’s an enthusiastic partner who’s willing to learn with me.

  5. Passion for their pleasure and mine… that is all. Everything else can be learned or improved.

  6. Being the right person for me to find attractive and enjoyable in that moment.

    Could be enthusiasm, confidence, nervousness, insecurity,easy, difficult, agreeable, disagreeable, inventive or dependable.

    If I like the person I’ll usually like how they are in bed.

  7. Communication. Actually being able to say what they want and what they don’t. Asking for consent is sexy. Expressing when they’re enjoying themselves. Being able to read and respond to body language. Sex is a conversation.

    Also confidence and enthusiasm definitely help… A lot.

    Edit: I left out things like patience and respect because those are just basic requirements.

  8. Puts my pleasure first. Because I do the same, so that’s what I expect. It’s a win win

  9. for me its passion/enthusiasm and also scent. i dont (only) mean down there, i mean some womens’ pheromones from their hair/skin just turn me into an animal and thankfully vice versa lol! those are always the partners in my experience where you dont even need to worry about skill, likes/dislikes/etc. its like you have an ‘instinct’ about how to turn each other on and get each other off!

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