I fall into the trap of using the prospect of finding a girlfriend as a source of motivation to succeed. I realize that shouldn’t be a main source of motivation, because you can’t live for someone else.

I’m new to Reddit so if this question has been asked in some form or another, I apologize.

I was just curious what men of AskMen use to motivate themselves to succeed in life.

Any response would be appreciated.

Thank you.

  1. I want to be able to travel and see more of the world and meet people. So I try to stay healthy and open minded to be able to achieve my goals.

  2. The “Order of Man” podcast!! Everyone should be listening to it. Just the intro alone gets me fired up.

  3. The only way I can get what I want is if I actually put in the work to get it beginning to end. This is going to sound super toxic but hear me out. I blame myself for everything within my control to fix so I fix it.

  4. For men, it’s all about sex. It’s just the way our brains work. Being needed is a huge motivator (i.e. wife and young children), so you do live for someone else. Nothing wrong with your desire.Unfortunately with the current state of affairs, that is replaced by being self-absorbed and making as much money as possible. Do that, work on your self, and learn a couple languages. That’ll give you more options

  5. I recently thought about my family as motivation, but I failed, I think you got to be your #1 motivation for real succed, otherwise you will fail,

  6. Spite. It doesn’t have to be directed towards any person. One could direct it towards a person but you could use it for anything, just don’t hurt anyone.

    I get into thought patterns and feelings where I don’t find anything worthwhile, including myself. I love life and I find beauty and wonder in anything small or complex. I take inventory on my life sometimes and, where I’m at in life now, my life situation at the moment, I often think I should just slip out of existence while I’m sleeping at night. Life is struggle. Just existing is a fight for everyone. I’m burning calories while I’m doing nothing or doing anything. If I don’t eat, I’ll waste away. If I let myself go and just be a lazy shit and not workout, I’ll get fat, my joints and body will hurt, I’ll become weak and develop health issues and die. The progression of time will take me but I won’t go easy. I workout to combat shitty thoughts about myself and the way my life is going. It’s about the only thing I find enjoyable anymore since I don’t have the resources to do much of anything at all for the past few years to a decade ago. Even then, it gets to me and I won’t workout for a week or two due to maybe one or two other things going on, but where I might fail disciplining myself, out of my back pocket I’ll pull out my spite towards the world almost in an “I’ll show you” type of way.

  7. Everything starts from a goal that’s on ur mind. With this goal u can motivate yourself a bit but the really important part is turning the motivation to a life style/habits. Motivation alone is good at the beginning but u need to go one step beyond every time to achieve ur goal.

  8. The future version of yourself should be your motivation. Whatever your aspirations are and whatever you see yourself being in the future should motivate you . . . He’s the guy you dont want to disappoint.

  9. Sophie Ellis Bextor. The lady publicly admitted to homicide, false imprisonment and threats of arson and yet managed to turn her image into one of a national treasure by streaming kareoke parties from her kitchen. If she can do that then I can do anything

  10. it’s simple: no one else will do the work for me.

    how can i get in shape if i’m not willing to put in the work with my weights on a regular basis?

    how can i improve as a guitarist if i’m not practicing on a regular basis and focusing on my weaknesses?

    how can i improve as a writer if i’m not writing on a regular basis and putting my work out there.

    honestly? it’s better to focus on becoming disciplined than constantly looking for things to motivate you. motivation helps, but if you need people or something to push you into doing things, you won’t progress as much as you’d like to.

  11. I basically bully myself into doing stuff I know I need to do. It’s not healthy but it does work most of the time.

  12. Personally I’m motivated for the sole purpose of outliving certain people. Sure positive goals are good and all but I find hatred is a much stronger motivator. I strive to outlive a local thug for the sole purpose of dancing on his grave, my entire physical fitness training and firearms training is dedicated solely to being in fighting shape should I encounter them in an area without cctv. On a positive note I can now run a mile while carrying 80lbs on my shoulders and I now draw/shoot single action revolvers competitively.

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