What’s the manliest thing you’ve ever done?

  1. I ripped a tree out of the ground with my bare hands!!!

    …well, it was a baby tree that I planted the year before and it died, ground was still soft around the trunk..

    But still! I ripped a tree out of the ground with my bare hands!!! 💪🤘

  2. Changed a flat tire, in the piss rain, with a 4 way lug wrench that was so warped, it eat my hands while I used it.

  3. Probably a burnout on my Harley till the tire gave out. Burnout competition at the dealership, so they literally had the new tire rack pulled out to the burnout pit area.

  4. I took out a chain-link fence and dug out the posts and pulled out the posts and concrete by hand.

  5. Schmooze a woman without meaning to or expecting her attraction. I just like talking about random worldly topics and listening.

  6. Stayed glued to my wife’s side, as she fought a death fight with cancer. My greatest achievement as a man and as a human being even though cancer defeated us.

  7. Canoed 1400 miles during the summer ( of 2008 ), despite having the majority of the crew quit midway through the trip.

  8. I admitted today via an update to a popular post on r/realestate I made over a year ago that I made the whole story up for fun.

  9. First answer that comes to mind: built a campfire in the pouring rain. It was a backpacking trip so no firewood or anything. Just scrounged from the forest. Managed to kick open a stump for some dry fibers and found some pine sap.

    Real answer: be a reliable rock for my brother when his family is going through shit.

  10. I deadlifted 300kg for 8 reps (670 lbs), albeit raised DL. Felt so good. Ripped my hand open half way, covered the blood with chalk and proceeded to do 4 with straps.

  11. Stuck my arm in a sump basin, with wrist length gloves, about 18″ down to unclog the pumps little intake filter. The catch; It was filled with literal human shit.

  12. My mother needed help getting rid of the broken shower door and replace it with a curtain. She gave me a hammer and a few different screw drivers and told me to experiment until I know what I need. I just put on some gloves and ripped the door out. Felt like the Hulk.

  13. Becoming a Dad. I’m a farmer.. yip bulls, tractors, chainsaw, welders,all that stuff too but none of that matters when you hear you child say Dad for the first time.

  14. So my brother used to be an arborist and now owns a trucking company. After a big storm in our town we went around to people’s houses that had trees fall on them. We cut up the trees and loaded them into his trucks. Luckily at the time the council made it free to drop tree matter at the dump. So for a day we just went out and helped strangers in my local area. It was a good day.

  15. I cut through the half my forearm with a disc cutter while cutting out brickwork for an RSJ on my own house. Wound was bad enough to need 26 stitches inside and out. 1.5hours in A and E then came back home and finished putting the 500kg beam in. All in a days work.

  16. Lifted this into the trailer by myself. Lifted the front end and set it on the trailer deck then lifted the back end and shoved it in. I am not a huge guy, only 5’10” and I don’t lift weights. Pure active fat man strength. That mower is about 500 pounds.


  17. 1. I work in a big advertising agency in an office.
    my former boss wanted to see me in the printer room to yell at me for no reason (he was a big asshole)
    I punched him in the face and put his head under my arm so he couldnt breath. After that he let me do my thing and never spoke to me.

    2. After a break up i had 3 girls dating.
    i managed to fuck them all in one day, one in the morning, one for lunch and one for the evening. Unfortunally after this i felt worser then before after the breakup.

  18. Planted my seed in a woman. Only a man can do that.

    I’ve fought fires and been through gunfights and such, but often had women at my side as I did so, so I don’t know if those count.

  19. I grew up.
    Got married young, had two kids. I was pretty bad at communicating and resolving issues. That piled up inside to the level where I was ready to leave my family. Started a business but was too irresponsible to run it properly, so financial situation was horrible, got into debt, got seriously depressed.
    Fast forward 8 years, I feel much better now, confident in myself. I have good job, paid off the debt. Even have enough confidence to start my own business again. My kids are teenagers now, and I try to be as good role model as possible. My relationship with my wife is as good as can be. We are teammates working on the wellness of the family and if I need to be confrontational with my wife, I don’t mind, we can resolve any issue.
    There’s still a long way to go, I need to work on my self discipline, to get my weight under control. But finally seeing myself as a man is the manliest thing I’ve done.

  20. tried to motivate a school friend during hard times in her studies literally I have to complete her homework and provide notes plus teach her after classes and in lunch when she got sick
    and the worst things is during those times she started performing better than me 8.2 to 9.8 seems pretty unnatural and the worst thing is I hated her being performing better than me but was loving teaching her and spending time and taking care of her
    Seems manliest thing i ever got through

  21. Probably checking myself into a psychiatric ward after a failed suicide attempt a few years back.

  22. When I was 18 or 19 I ran into this 15ish yr old kid at a friends house who had picked on and scared the shit out of my 12 or 13 yr old sister. I walked up to him. Out my hand on the back of his neck and said we don’t pick on little girls do we. He never looked me in the eye but I saw him swallow and kinda nod. I said good. And left. I figured standing up for my little sister was the right thing to do even if she was pretty much the bane of my existence lol.

  23. I was living in Colorado at the time and I heard the young woman that had just moved in to the basement apartment a few weeks before screaming her head off. I went to the door to her section of the house and and she came to the door naked and wet like she had just come from the shower and screamed “Call the police” I saw a guy drag her back into the apartment and I tried to open the door but it was locked. I told my roommate to call the cops and I put my foot in the door like I was some DEA agent on a bust. Well this ain’t the movies folks and those doors don’t give that easy so it took me three good solid kicks with everything I had to bust it in. I went downstairs and this guy was beating the crap out of her. I pulled him off of her and started to beat the crap out of him. He grabbed my shoulder length long hair and that pissed me off. I picked him up and slammed him into the wall like I was trying to put him thru it and just kept slamming him into it again and again until he let loose of my hair. My roommate by this time was comforting the naked young woman while I was still busy fighting this guy. The cops showed up, broke us up and it came out that the guy was her ex-boyfriend who found her after she left him. He didn’t want to let her go because no woman breaks up with him. Defending a young woman in a domestic abuse situation was something I’d consider manly on my part. Best part was the landlord didn’t charge me for breaking the door.

    I’d like to say it had a happy ending but after he was released from jail after making bail he broke in a week later and held a knife to her throat and raped her so that he could reclaim his honor. He was small enough to get in thru the windows late at night so he wouldn’t wake either me or my roommate up. She moved back in with her parents after that.

    I do what others may consider manly stuff like rafting, scuba diving, rock climbing and stuff like that but helping someone when they needed help is what I think being Manly is about.

  24. i have a firm handshake and many men have congratulated me about it. makes me really manly i guess because some men have indirectily said that people without it arent real men. as i am in fact a woman, after that logic, i have since then been a man lol

  25. Dropped, cut, split, delivered, stacked, and covered 10 cord of firewood for an elderly neighbor to use the following winter, after learning they had run out of firewood half way through the prior winter and had been using electric space heaters for the rest.

    One weekend. One truck. One trailer. I did not have a hydraulic splitter. I did it all with a splitting axe and some wedges.

    As a bonus, this was early spring, so it was still fairly chilly, and i was wearing my favorite flannel jacket.

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