
  1. A job in a company that treats me right, a new apartment away from the town I thought I’d be stuck in forever.

  2. SMART holiday lights so I can change colors and turn them on/off from the cozy comfort of my bed.

  3. Pixie Cut Hair!!! I have been scared my whole life to cut my hair short and I finally did it! This last year was a big year for me! I slowly cut it shorter and shorter, and now….. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

  4. My boyfriend! we are coworkers and i had such a crush on him a year ago. we’ve been dating almost 8 months now 🥰

  5. A house (about to hit the one year anniversary of being in our house).

    A baby (currently 33 weeks pregnant).

    Cute seasonal and holiday decor because I am TERRIBLE at decorating. (Thanks, friends and family, for helping!)

  6. A loving partner. We met playing D&D and tomorrow I fly across the world to be with him. I am so happy.

  7. A baby! We’d been trying for about 2 years, had a pregnancy loss along the way, and had just found out I was pregnant again. We were keeping fingers crossed this one would stick, and it did! I have a baby who will be 5 months old this week!

  8. A pregnancy. Its been a journey and I am still not out of the woods but after 5 years and 4 losses, I have crossed fingers and am hopeful.

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