I think I’m an annoying person. I don’t know why, but I think my friends get bored of me and think I’m kinda annoying. Is there a way to change habits? Also, I want to be funny, in conversation. Any tips?

  1. The problem with being funny is that its not a learnable skill. You cant study for 2 months and come out like kevin hart or any other comedian.

    It consists of reading the room and knowing what that group of people find funny

    Try working on your social skills in general.

    -Being able to know when you are becoming annoying

    -Knowing how and when to give and recieve compliments

    -Talking confidently and fluently

    And if all that fails then the problem is that your friend group isnt made of your type of people

  2. I’m definitely no expert. To this day, I still try to be funny and get weird looks. But from my experience, when I’ve been too concerned about what people think about me and what to say, I’ve come across as annoying or desperate. But having a friend or two I’ve felt really comfortable talking to has let me stop worrying about that sometimes and turn my attention inward to deeper thought and conversation. It seems that what I have to say is more interesting when it comes from genuinely focusing on the conversation. Really listening to the other person and then responding from your most productive and thoughtful inner place. Your genuine self. Sometimes, you might say something funny without really trying!

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