Been hairy since a teen and now 31 the chest hair doesn’t want to fill in completely. Do you think at 31 it could still fill in? Dads got a rug on him so thinking genetics would come into play.

  1. Some men don’t have hairy chests, some do. Looks like you just have patchy hair growth, nothing wrong with that. Being in your thirties, pretty sure you now know what you’re working with.

  2. If it’s blotchy just get rid of it. Get a waxing done just once and keep using Nair afterwards. I’m half Italian, which is why for Hollywood I’m going to run around naked and let people think I’m dressed as Chewbacca. I’ve been fully hairy since I was 20 at least, but I do get rid of it when I have a relationship

  3. 16. I looked like a Turkish bath background actor in a mob movie. Walked around with my shirt open like a drug dealer in Miami Vice.

  4. At 67 my chest and back continue to get more dense. I would say between 35 and 40 I was filled in completely. I wouldn’t exactly call it a fetish, but, my wife loves to trim and shave my body hair to her liking.

  5. 41 and I still have an X made out of hair on my chest, instead of a nice rectangular rug, but I guess that’s me. Been called the X-Man once 😁.

    You’ve got what you’ve got and that’s amazing that way.

  6. It’ll fill in. It’s based off your testosterone levels if I remember right, which increase until “advanced age” which then slows down.

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