This is pretty much my average day to day,

Monday – Friday:

Wake up, Work 9-5, Gym, Gaming/Discord/YouTube, Sleep

Saturday – Sunday:

Wake up, Gym (sometimes), Gaming/Discord/YouTube, Sleep.

I realize this a huge problem, I’m 22 now and have had more or less the same schedule all my life.

Sometimes I go out for drinks but I don’t really care for bars/clubs.

What else is there to do? I’ve thought about getting a girlfriend but I’m usually at home so it’s not so easy.

I don’t like tinder those girls are gross to me.

  1. How is it a problem?

    If you enjoy what you do, continue. Don’t let hustle culture and “DO MORE” mentality get to you. Don’t feel like you need to push yourself to do “better things” when you see no use.

    The problem I see with stuff like this is if you think, “I want to do X, but because of bad habits I get stuck not doing them” and then it’s time for some change. Maybe you don’t like your job, so then look into what other careers and what training you need to get into them. Maybe you don’t feel your hobbies fulfill you, then explore other hobbies that give you more fulfillment.

    Dating is something different. First, don’t hang on the idea that a partner will change you–very good chance you’ll do the exact same things you do right now either with them, or with them in the other room. Don’t use lack of a partner as an excuse to not do something you want to do. But if you do want to find love–if you really want to, and not feel like you need to meet a standard soon–then get into social activities, groups, outings and do fun stuff with new people.

  2. Short answer:

    Pull out a piece of paper

    Landscape it and split it into three sections

    Label them things I like, things I want to try, things I’d do if I never had to work again

    List things under each category to the best of your ability. Nothings too crazy at this point. All you’re doing is making an awesome list to organize later.

    Pick two to three things from the list that you want to try

    Put those on a piece of paper (two-three rows)

    Write down when you’re going to try them and how you’re going to do them. Road biking When: 3pm Saturday the 2nd. How: Yuppie Valley with the road bike nerds, bike provided.

    Honestly the biggest problem is getting out the door. Everything else is pretty easy. The key is to rock through a few things until something sticks. Don’t go all in and spend a bunch of cash. Just try stuff in a low risk environment. From my experience, most people are super stoked to help out a newbie.

  3. I’m 32. When I’m not busy working, I enjoy cooking, drawing, painting, and wood carving when I can. Other than that, it’s playing video games, playing with my cats, or catching up on sleep.

  4. Based on your described weekly schedule, my first thought is that you need to work on cultivating your social life.

    Forget about a girlfriend for the time being: you need to construct a life that any woman would want to be a part of before you go looking to make a woman part of your life. Gym and vidya isn’t a routine that’s going to keep self-respecting women around.

  5. Doesn’t sound like a problem, just sounds like you want something to do. Go to festivals or concerts, plenty of people to socialize with. Travel around and get out of your area for a little while.

  6. I don’t see what the problem with Tinder girls is. Is it just that they’re on Tinder or an online dating app in general?

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