Why do attractive men hook up with unattractive women on dating sites?

  1. It is also because of the upper hand. Some men like to be the better looking one in the relationship so the other person will do anything for them because they feel luck to be with them. It happens both with women and men.

  2. I have a very high sex drive and if she had a nice body. I’m taking them cheeks like it was my last meal. But cant do fat/sloppy girls.

  3. It’s funny, I just heard this old song from somewhere that applies

    “If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life

    Don’t make a pretty woman your wife

    Just from my personal point of view

    Get an ugly girl to marry you.”

    Maybe that advice got around?? Lol. It’s an earworm in my head, I can’t believe it applied to something. This is really eerie 🤣🤣

  4. If you are a woman you probably are not a good judge of what heterosexual men find attractive

  5. Subconsciously, we know that less attractive women are willing to put in more effort and do dirtier shit.

  6. For most animals in nature – primal sexual attraction has nothing to do with what a female looks like.

  7. Because sex.

    And because men aren’t cunts about someone looking perfect.

    Men don’t hold women to all those crazy standards, women do.

    Women asking why their looks aren’t landing them men when compared to these “lesser” women are often missing the “good in bed”, “don’t demand attachment”, and “not a frigging bitch” items that modern men are into; and they think that looks will somehow supercede.

  8. I think it’s relative. Beauty is in the eye of the observer. For example, I think Brie Larson is beautiful but many men think she’s a boring average looking woman with no personality.

    So who knows?

  9. It’s incredibly easy. I personally don’t though. I don’t sleep with unattractive women because I don’t enjoy it. Why would I waste my time?

  10. I’m sure those girls at least meet the minimum standards that he has for meaningless sex, and for guys that’s good enough. If it’s just to bust a nut, why would he bother trying to hook up with the pretty girl that has like 5 other dudes chasing her compared to the not as good looking chick that takes significantly less effort to get into bed with?

    Are you a girl? Cuz I think you just might not understand that for most guys, casual hook ups are still work. We don’t have the luxury of just being able to show up and look pretty (no offense). Even a random hook up requires effort unless we’re in the top percentage. Going for a girl that’s less attractive means less work on our part because of the disparity in appearance.

  11. Because dating sites have given unattractive women access to attractive men.

    In real life, unattractive women would be forced to either improve their looks or settle for an unattractive man.

  12. It’s not a desire, it’s a strategy. One well established enough to have a name: Go Ugly Early.

  13. To get their dicks wet without jumping through the hoops that many or most attractive women force even hot guys to jump through.

  14. I think they the ones with the best sex cause momma said……honey the ugly ones make the best loving. 😆

  15. Less entitled, usually better personalities, and they can be some of the most giving and enthusiastic sex partners.

  16. unattractive women looks genuine and if she is unattractive then the chances of you getting cheated or left after sometime is less, so ultimately profitable for long run

  17. Because men are not picky. Guys typically swipe right about 50-60% of the time. Women swipe right about 4% of the time.

  18. Because ugly women know they don’t have a chance at a real relationship with an attractive man and the attractive women know they can have a relationship with….if you’re still reading this you’re not the unattractive women raging at the screen.

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