I am turning 16 in a matter of weeks. Havent talked to a girl my age in like 4 years. I go to an all boys school and there really aren’t many social opportunities. Also i have like 0 redeeming/ desireable qualities lmao 😂. What do i do? Gaming can only suppress natural feelings for so long.

  1. Can confirm, this is the path to lifelong loneliness.

    Why not take that time that you were going to game and go outside and be social? Hit the gym, perhaps? Smile at a stranger? You’re not gonna grow until you change your habits.

  2. Do you believe that desirable qualities are something you are born with or something you create?

  3. Was here. For me I had to release myself from my own judgement. Conquer Your Campus did wonders for me
    With realizing that the biggest thing is: being fun to be around & to start slowly acting like the person you want to be around…Also friendships are usually about something initially. Focus on having 3 positive interactions Today…you’ll be astonished with how far you can go with being fun to be around & having something to talk about… Usually if your gaming, your not having the Adventures you feel like you should be having… Realistically at 16: College is a few years away & that can change everything. HS is temporary so start building the habits to set you up for down the road… For Me: If I could go back to 16… I’d probably just start finding the things for me: An *enjoyable* Workout Program w/ a Buddy or maybe joining a Boxing/MMA gym. A Weekend Activity Outside (ex. Hiking/tennis/walking etc.) & Photography. Being the Best Student I could be & setting yourself up for College. Dress Normal. Monthly Haircuts. Join a Volunteer Group. Maybe Church if that’s your thing. & I’d try to hang out with Elderly & Kids for a better life perspective with just listening to them. Start Small & don’t worry about the results for a little bit, they will come. After a while/having more experiences you’ll understand more on how to add value into situations for fun! (Also: don’t sleep on Working & having a car as a teenager)

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