And how many do you have of you on your phone atm

  1. I think it’s pretty normal considering social media. I take them occasionally, maybe 2-3 a month if we’re getting into actual numbers.

  2. I do it from time to time if I like my outfit, or have a new haircut or something like that

  3. I don’t care about others doing it, but I hate taking pictures of myself now. When I was -13 it was whatever, but now I hate how I look when I take my own

  4. I don’t have any pictures of myself on my phone. I don’t really enjoy being the subject of photos and I tend to use my phone pics more like a catalog of visual reminders.

    I don’t really have a “view” on it though. Some people enjoy it. Some people don’t.

  5. 90% i like to capture the moment. the other 10% of why I take pictures of myself is so that i have a picture to compare my future glow up to. im very hopeful

  6. Timers & remotes are great. I’m a photographer & take lots of selfies and self portraits.

    I take about 3 a week usually.

  7. I find it extremely weird. If I take a selfie, it’s because I want to check my hair and makeup from another angle. Other than that, I take a selfie with someone else in frame like my husband or a friend.

  8. I do it when I’m trying on outfits. Comparing such as different pairs and styles of jeans (Levi’s for example has 501 Skinny, 501 Original, ribcage, wedgie, mile high, different washes, straight leg, skinny, etc) Sometimes I like how my makeup looks or I’m checking myself out in the mirror. I have too many photos of myself haha 😂

  9. For content – not shy (too many). For my personal life – not really about it (…maybe a dozen or so from the past year, it’s all pictures of dogs lol)

  10. I wish I took more pictures of myself tbh. I fell out of the habit of doing it, but I find that I really love looking back at the times that I actually took pictures and see the subtle changes in myself. I need to take more pictures!

  11. I’ll take pictures with friends and family. But I rarely have selfies.

    Not that I don’t like taking pictures, I just don’t see why I should be so obsessed with myself to have so many pictures of me. I have a mirror if I want to look at how hot I am.

  12. I hate it because I always end up feeling insecure about them and it gets me into a bad mood

  13. None. I’ve had too many men pressure me for ‘pictures’. So I don’t take any ever.

    Also, fuck facial recognition software on phones and social media.

  14. I think the last one I took was for my passport. I don’t have any particular views on selfies, I just don’t have any need for them.

  15. It’s fine. I don’t see any problem with people taking photos of themselves. Even famous painters often did plenty of self portraits. It’s a weird thing to me that some people are so judgmental about it.

    Edited to add: After losing someone who passed away and who was a “no pictures” type of person, I would never want to leave my friends and family with no pictures to remember me by, so I stopped avoiding pictures and take them with the understanding that these are for me now but also for my loved ones after I’m gone.

  16. Very few, maybe half a dozen pictures of myself alone, another half dozen with other people. I’m not a fan of having my picture taken and avoid it when possible.

    So my view is, no thanks it’s unnecessary, but if other people want multiple pictures of themselves, you do you.

  17. I absolutely hate it. I can’t stand to look at myself so to me it just seems bizarre that people can be so narcissistic that they take hundreds of pouting selfies and flood their Instagram accounts with them. I can’t stand having my picture taken. Panic attack level hate it.

  18. I don’t like taking pictures of myself, the photos of me always have someone or something else I want to capture, and mainly for memories and for friends’ sake

  19. I just do it for my bf. Sending him when I’m walk and in the mornings just because.
    Just noce for him to have a daily picture.

    Well I assume he likes it at I get one from him and he haven’t said no.

  20. I like pictures of myself, but particularly ones that capture moments and memories. I literally have thousands on my phone.

  21. Nah. Lol and honestly I forget to unless I’ll traveling overseas. No one needs another photo of me walking downtown.

  22. None I don’t have pictures of just me, low self confidence is a real mood killer for solo pictures lol.

  23. I hate doing it, but I do admit I will go back and look at pictures of myself where I feel like I looked good. Also – in the online dating world, it’s a necessary evil. Usually, if I’m going out and plan on looking nice, I’ll let my friend know I’m going to ask them to take a picture of me. They know what’s up and make sure I look great.

  24. Selfies do not equate narcissism. Its a common misconception.

    Self love is a great thing and actually a sign of healthy self esteem.

    One of my favorite quotes goes something like

    “Yeah, I’m obsessed with myself. Who should I be obsessed with, you??”

    I also take them because my husband never does and if anything happened to me I want my kids to have them.

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