What is the toughest challenge you’ve faced when navigating the dating world?

  1. The last couple of times? Weeding through all the crap.

    Even for the women where there is mutual interest a decent percentage are either not compatible with me or frankly not relationship or in some cases dating material period. Sorting through that chews up time and money (for the ones that make it to dates).

  2. Being a catch, but rejected for literally being shorter than she wants.

    Like… Been told to my face on more than one occasion that my height is the reason.

  3. I recall a match with whom I had the best chemistry with. She told me she never felt this way and texts with jokes, flirts, emojis were flying. She unmatched me because I was “vaccinated”. Can’t get worst than my story. 😂😂😂

  4. Finding value.

    Since very few men have any respect for themselves, they have completely destroyed the liklihood of finding anything worthwhile in dating. Oh… I can find someone now. What you cant find is anyone that respects you or feels that your opinions can be valid in this social climate. Get on her train and like it… Or you are insecure.

    Basically means that anyone you date needs to be droppable the moment you have a problem…. Because nothing else makes her consider you as important. This kinda defeats the whole purpose of looking for a partner and makes the whole attempt at looking seem pointless.

  5. Please verify yourself using this app and enter your bank information, also fill out this credit application to confirm you are real. After you are done we will have ali give you a call and pretend to be a woman so you don’t feel like you are being scammed.

  6. Putting yourself out there to meet dating prospects, more specifically figuring out where the hell “out there” even is. I’ve done some cool things and met some really cool people but it’s extremely rare for me to find single women let alone single women where there is a mutual attraction

  7. It really should be social awkwardness and being on the spectrum but i haven’t had that be the root cause of a lack of success since college. Instead its living in a place with terrible dating demographics and a culture I really don’t fit with. I live in an outlying utah town. I feel like the only unmarried childless person who can pass a drug/background check within a 30 mile radius. And my career is in the aerospace and defense industry and requires federal security clearance so I cannot relax my zero tolerance policy on weed when it comes to anything more than casual friends. Not that it would really help, the nearby singles are very few and trashy. No stable employment, no car, problems with the law, baby daddy problems or all of the above. There are much better demographics in Salt Lake City but everyone from there acts like I live 3 states away once they find out I live where I live. I cannot find work in SLC and I’m unwilling to do that commute so I’m stuck. All the other single guys I work with just deal with the 45 minute plus commute and higher cost of living rather than live here.

  8. Most people just don’t initiate the conversation and I’m like wtf! You swiped right! Why are you not interested !?

  9. I’m in the navy, and have gone on dates with kadys that hate the military deeply, then want to politically bash everything on the first date…

  10. Making it past first dates. What generally happens is that everything seems to go well. The conversation flows decently, I make them laugh, I ask them things about themselves, the dates take place at locations we both find reasonable, etc. Yet, I almost always get rejected along the lines of “you’re a good guy and I had a fun time, but I just wasn’t feeling it”.

  11. literally everyone in their 20s is seeing someone, it’s been years since anyone I was even remotely interested in hasn’t later turned out to have been in a long term relationship, its like people just jump into relationships the first chance they get and don’t leave because they’re too afraid to be alone

    edit: I’m in my late 20s and I’m pretty sure it’s mostly just where I live but everyone seems to be either with their high school sweetheart or dating their first person since, with a very short window where they’re actually single (i’m talking less than 6 months)

  12. Men being expected to always be the ones to come out of their shell, leave their comfort zone and be confident

  13. Meeting single women without enormous amounts of baggage, kids, or just not ready for a relationship. It’s been years since I’ve met one. Modern dating in your 30’s is rough

  14. Escaping the hoards of beautiful women throwing themselves at me and trying to make me their devoted husband.

  15. I’m 23 and honestly I’ve been in 3 different relationships since I was 17. 6 months, 5 years, and this last one lasted 6 months as well and ended this last week. All 3 I found attractive, all 3 I was in love with some point. All 3 kind of just fell in my lap, except for this last one but was still pretty straight forward. Was one of the only tinder matches I messaged and the only date I went on. I think my problem with the dating scene has actually been taking the time to step away and focus on myself.

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