So, I have developed a huge fear of crowds. Which totally fucking sucks because I LOVE going to concerts and the movies and events. I guess I should throw in that I do support the right to bear arms, for people that are trained and have their carry license. I grew up in the country with a lot of land. Hell I even shoot guns for fun (in a controlled responsible manner). I am not afraid of the weapon itself I am scared of people! But I am now just terrified of everyone who are so irresponsible with them and don’t respect the weapon. People kill people- it’s not the guns fault. Disagree if you’d like, but that’s just the way I grew up. But I was thinking of taking my 7 yr old to the movies but I just about have a panic attack thinking about being in a dark room with a shit ton of unknowns. Im so afraid of mass shootings. I have had nightmares of being in a crowd and someone terrorizing the event with senseless violence. Especially with my child being with us. I know I have to sound crazy to some that I support our 2nd amendment rights, but am terrified at the same time.
I haven’t been able to go to concerts and I get extremely uncomfortable around a large amount of people. I even get nervous dropping my son off at school. I can’t protect him in there. I could homeschool him but I feel that the socialization skills he will get from public school will benefit him in his development. I know I sound all over the place. But does anyone else feel the same way?? I literally feel like mass shooters perform these acts to get media attention and it’s pathetic.

Someone tell me I’m not alone here?
I am a responsible gun owner but I do not have my license to carry because I don’t want to carry a firearm on my person. I know when I see people just walking around Walmart with a gun on their hip I get away as fast as I can. People these days are just so unpredictable and you never really know their full intentions. I realize that people that do carry in public have actually saved lives in hostage/ mass shootings. But I just feel like the only way to protect my family these days is to stay holed up at home where I’m in a controlled environment. I don’t want to scare my son, I want him to be able to enjoy concerts and fun gatherings like I did (back when people weren’t off their rocker just shooting innocent people for their name to be in the headlines)

I don’t think this fear will ever go away. How can I manage this fear without standing in the way of our son missing out on awesome experiences?

Does anyone else think so hard about this or is it just me?

1 comment
  1. Im israeli, and in the past few months we’ve had a terror attack every few days. These attacks usually dont last long because many people are armed and police response time is quick.

    A few months ago we had a few hard hits and a two friends got really scared. I explained to them, that if we give in to the fear of going out, the bad guys will win, and we cant let them control our lives.

    Its the same thing im telling you. Actions of a few people cannot get control of your lively hood. Take the chance, go out. Enjoy your life with your children. And if i was you, id take the time and get a license to carry. I think that’ll help you feel better and safer.

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