Is it really that big of a deal saying hey I don’t fell we match bye? I feel like after Covid people became to lazy to deal with other people and just disappear

  1. Imo most people dont want to get to the feeling and talking stage because why would they go trough all of that ‘drama’ with you when they have better things to do with their life and can get loads of people besides you they just dont want to put in a little effort anymore because i guess they think of us as just objects and not people with feelings but its just issues on their side, the people who dont ghost and cant leave people like that have a big heart and just want an honest world with people but i guess everything is just so easy these days so why take the long road when you can take the short one which is way easier for them.

    Its just some people have a lightswitch they can turn kn and off just like that.

    But its my opinion so dont be mad about it pls 💟

  2. It’s not a big deal until it becomes a big deal. It only takes one guy to flip out and send her a novel about why she should give him another chance, to make people just not want to deal with that and think it better to just disappear.

  3. I ve been struggling so much with this lately too! It just seems like the lowest of lows. I always tell people if i don’t think think it’ll work. It’s just being a good human. My take away: if they ghost, not a good human 🤷🏻‍♀️you don’t want that anyway!

  4. I think people have become more selfish in general. Even before COVID. With social media/dating apps it just makes it easier and thus more common. It seems even MORE relevant because it is easy to just send a DM or text saying “Hey, thanks for the time but I’m not feeling this is a good match.”. And yet, they don’t.

  5. I really hate ghosting. I feel it’s really immature. I was just talking with a woman and things were going really well. She told me how much she liked me, and I reciprocated. We made plans for a date and then crickets. Haven’t heard from her in a few days.

  6. I love how people justify ghosting, “letting someone down easy” or offering friendship by saying that the person might not be able to handle rejection. Did it ever occur to you that someone is going to make things unpleasant regardless of how you go about parting ways from them?

  7. Ghosting is wrong, period. Only immature people with a low level of emotional consciousness do that. There is no good excuse for it. Plainly people do it because they don’t want to deal with closing something they started. Because they are not adult enough to face accountability. No matter what the excuse is, NO ONE likes being ghosted so do to others as you would have them do to you.

  8. I only consider it ghosting if one person reaches out and the other person ignores. If neither party reaches out it’s a mutual lack of interest.

    People who ignore outreach are just flat out jerks/immature, and trying to avoid “being the bad guy” when in actuality what they’re doing is far worse

  9. Most people don’t take it well when you tell them that you’re not the person for them.

    Some people get into relationships and just delete the app and not the account in OLD.

    That was the options I could come up with.

  10. I ghosted someone.

    I went out salsa dancing by myself, and it was a blast. A couple of guys asked for my number and i turned them down, most of them were ok with that. One of them was a great dancer and he asked, i said i don’t really like giving out my number and I’m just here to dance. He insisted, saying it would be good so that next week we can message and check in that were both going. I was like “okaaaay.”

    Next morning I’m getting good morning messages asking how did you sleep beautiful. And i was like “okaaaaaay” but i didn’t reply otherwise. Asked me to get a bite, asked to go do something, i didn’t reply. Saturday comes up again, I’m going dancing. He’s there and comes up to me and starts trying to make me feel guilty i didn’t reply. I look at him through the windows of his soul and i say, i say biiiiiiitch– haha ok no i didn’t . I just said he said he was going to message me about dancing next week, not chat me up, when i clearly said i am just here to dance, as i said no to giving him my number the first few asks. So then he tries to be like well then you owe me a dance, but like in a way where it’s the least i could do. And i kid you not, i look him dead in the eye and i say, i say biiiiitch– haha again, i didn’t but that’s how I was feeling at that point, thanks key &Peele for helping me express myself. I actually was saved by someone else who asked me to dance. I just said, i don’t but maybe later. He didn’t seek me out but when I got home he sent me that side eye grimacing face. And that just reinforced that i should never give my number when my first instinct is i don’t want to.


  11. Because people are arseholes and/or cowardly. I for one couldn’t do it personally..

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