I know there’s many big factors that cause this and many smaller factors. In my opinion I think technology plays a big role and we mentally use technology as an escape. Which isn’t a bad thing but because we are now becoming so dependent on it, people are wrapping themselves up in a getaway and not learning or forgetting on how to deal with reality. It’s like a person picking up a sport and getting so good at it. But then one day they are forced to switch sports and re-learn a new one. It’s so uncomfortable and nerve racking but if you put in the time and effort, it can help you fight off many social anxieties that aren’t medically problematic. If you want to be comfortable with something, just surround yourself with it more.

I’m terrible with social anxiety but I figure yolo and just throw myself into new or scary situations. Always feeling uncomfortable feels normal now to the point where if I see I handle certain situations smoothly, I build on that in other similar situations and then try to broaden it further. Idk just a late night ramble and I hope this helps someone at least.

1 comment
  1. This is an interesting thought, I couldn’t agree more.
    I mean, trying something new is always somewhat scary, you want to be good at this new thing you’re trying but in fact you don’t know what you’re doing, and social anxiety is exactly like this.
    My therapist once said to me that even if I’m scared to do something, trying is always free and (in general) doesn’t harm anyone, you’ll be scared at first but what if you haven’t tried not even once? You’ll probably regret it a bit.
    For instance, right now talking to strangers and asking for directions (or I don’t know, something like that anyway) is awkward, I’ll be honest, but less scary than before.

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