My 9 year old is very mature for his age for example he has watched me play gta v and has explained to me how he understands that shooting people and stealing their car happens in America but iss not acceptable here and he has promised to never buy a gun so now he gets to play the game too.

Sometimes when he can’t sleep we watch dvds into the early hours his favourites are horror films and I thought I would be great to go see some this Halloween at the cinema but they wouldn’t let him in because they said he was too young.

I was thinking perhaps children could earn a certificate of maturity signed by a parent that allows them to go see films that are above their age but not above their maturity level.

What do you guys think?

  1. I think that if you think it’s appropriate for a 9 year old to watch an 18 rated horror film that you’d probably benefit from some parenting classes.

  2. From the awful logic being displayed and lack of good grammar I don’t imagine you’re old enough to watch 18 rated films either

  3. I could see it working for 15-17 year olds but not really for any younger. Even if you think it is suitable you don’t know how your child will react until they are in the cinema and if they react badly then it could disrupt the other patrons enjoyment of the film.

    Age ratings are there for a reason.

  4. Let him have his childhood. Show him images of love and hope and good things, not the seediest and most violent parts of humanity. He’s giving you the response you want to see, trying to please you. You have no idea of the effect of stuffing his young and imaginative and still developing brain with horrific imagery and and examples of awful behaviour.

    I am sure you don’t realise it, but you are likely creating trauma for him. It may not show up yet, but it will later.

  5. I think it would be far too difficult, expensive and potentially problematic to implement, maintain and police such a system for it to be something anyone in a position to do so would have any interest in having such a scheme.

    It’s the same reason most age restricted things are based on absolutes when in reality someone might be fine with it at an earlier age and someone who is older might not be. Likewise people don’t magically become more mature and responsible when they wake up on their 16th or 18th birthday. It’s just impossible to police something so subjective, so the bar gets set at what is considered a reasonable age and treated as an absolute.

  6. >he understands that shooting people and stealing their car happens in America but **iss not acceptable here**

    Are you suggesting that it IS acceptable in the US? haha

  7. Don’t think you realise the cinema staff could get into serious trouble (job loss, big fine, and possibly criminal record) if they break the law. Similarly if your 9 yo was sold a 18 cert DVD.

  8. I think this is an excellent idea. Once they are in the screening it would be fitting if they also played shit TikTok videos at full volume and maybe even get them to smoke a few rollies too?

  9. It’s not how they cope with the film when watching it with you… it’s how they cope when alone later on, or with friends at school etc

    The thing with 18 is it’s different to the other ratings… there is no restriction to content …so rape etc for eg … not ideal for young kids honestly…

    It’s the company while watching they love and they would probably love a kids film or game just as much if you were also genuinely enjoying it with them

  10. Clearly not.

    Firstly, even if there are selected titles that responsible parents feel happy for their kids to watch, having vetted them, that doesn’t mean all will be suitable.

    Secondly, not all parents are responsible.

  11. *I want to watch 18 films and I don’t want the fact that I have a child to get in the way of me doing what I want*

    There, fixed it for you. FFS.

  12. I’ll let my daughter (8) watch a soft 12 or 12a that I’ve pre-vetted but nothing higher.

    For some reason, today her teacher showed the class the scene from Anaconda of Jon Voight being eaten by the snake and then his half-digested body being regurgitated, which has traumatised many of the kids and enraged many of the parents. Not sure what he was thinking.

  13. No

    >My 9 year old is very mature for his age for example he has watched me play gta v and has explained to me how he understands that shooting people and stealing their car happens in America but iss not acceptable here

    It’s not acceptable there either, and a 9yo should be nowhere near an 18 game either. There’s a reason that g*mers get such a bad rap. And this is exactly it.

    >and he has promised to never buy a gun so now he gets to play the game too.

    What the fuck, you’re just obviously trolling now

  14. I hope you realise they may watch some Hollywood horror film at 9 and you think they are fine but that is like a base level of stuff. What the hell are they going to be consuming at 12 or 15 if that is entirely normal to them? Christ, it is a sign of how the Bulger killers became so immune to violence.

  15. Why is shite like this allowed on the sub but I make a bit of a stupid meta post and it gets instantly deleted?

  16. If a troll, well done – you’ve got the full AskUKers syndrome out in force here.

    I can get why people are saying this is daft, but thinking into it and being totally honest – I saw 18 rated films, games, comedy shows, etc around that age and turned out fine, so did loads of mates I know. EDIT – in fact, thinking about it further, the ones with overly controlling and protective parents who wouldn’t let them see anything that might “subvert” them, have turned out to be the slightly odd and anti-social chronic under-achievers.

    Depends what it is – traumatic horror film? Meh, depends on how they cope with it. Comedy? Depends if they get the references. Game? Depends if they realise it’s just a game. Most 9 year olds would understand “this is a game/film/not real life” unless they had something wrong with them.

    Showing them porn or films so violent and graphic they are beyond the BBFC rating system is obviously not OK, but OP isn’t suggesting that.

    There’s also solid evidence that no one watched violent stuff as kids and turned out to be a nutter or something. This *was* used as a theory in the James Bulger case, but was a shitty made up excuse as social services tried to divert from the fact they’d missed that the killers were living in extremely abusive and violent households.

    TL;DR – “troll” or not, there’s some very cossetted people on this sub.

  17. There’s an age limit for a reason. And if you are daft enough to let them watch violent games then more fool you. Do you have the volume turned down as well or do you let them listen to the bad language?

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