In case you want to preserve the friendship if they don’t feel the same way.

  1. You can’t. Either tell them and hope for the best. Or hold it in and never act on it.

  2. Ask her if she feels any sexual tension between the two of you. If you’re into her romantically she probably already senses that there is >0 attraction though it may not be enough for you to be more than friends. But this way you can let her talk about her feelings.

  3. When I was talking to a guy from school, right from the start I told him that I was not ready for a romantic relationship. A couple of months later, after we had become best friends he sent me a message where he confirmed that I had previously told him I wasn’t ready, but that since then he had developed romantic feelings towards me, and that it was okay if I didn’t feel the same way. He said he didn’t to make it weird or anything, but he felt like he just needed to say it.

    If I wasn’t interested I would have responded and told him no and we could have kept on being friends. Turns out, I was interested so I told him yes and it all worked out. He is now my husband lol

  4. i just straight asked her. can you see us as a couple? she said no. and i just pretend i never asked. we still friends.

    better ask before you build up feelings.

  5. No such thing. Shoot your shot and live with the outcome, however positive or negative it may be. This pussyfooting around is exactly why you’re where you are.

  6. Don’t make it a big declaration of love. Just ask her out. Frame it less of you being way into her and more you wanting to see if there is more there. Low pressure, low stakes. No matter how wildly infatuated with her you are, treat her as an equal that has to earn your time and attention as much as you do hers. This is not some “negging” mind trick, you just want her to know you have self respect and see yourself as a person with value as a romantic partner.

    If she turns you down, or goes out with you and then tells you later she isn’t feeling that way about you, say that you hope you can still be friends. And mean it. Never ask her out or make any kind of advance on her again.

    Don’t be afraid of getting put in the friend zone. It’s not the death sentence some dudes make it out to be. Women do sometimes come around and marry guys they have friendzoned. Just know there is nothing you can do to change their mind. If you are a decent stand-up guy and a good friend, she might come to a place in her life where she realizes what you offer is what she wants. But don’t wait around for her. Be open to other possibilities. If you are open to it, she may try to set you up with one of her friends.

    If you are still so hung up on her that you can’t be around her, distance yourself some. But if she asks, you’re just busy; don’t burden her with your feelings.

  7. I told a friend “I have feelings for you” she said she felt same way. 3 months later we realised it wouldn’t work and I lost a great friend. We have little contact here and there checking up on each other but no longer close.. Still, don’t regret giving it a shot.

    Depends how important this friendship is to you. If she is your only friend then maybe preserve it.

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