So for context, there’s this girl(18F) who I(18 M)hang out with almost everyday of the week we have the same lessons and always hang out together whether lunch or dinner(only the two of us), I learned that she started developing feelings for me and after her feelings passed a bit I started developing feelings for her(I only learned about this later on) so our timing was wrong but I proceeded to ask her on a date to which she agreed, the date was okay not the worst not the best but I acted very differently to how we usually hang out and I felt a bit awkward . She also noted a few red flags about me since we have very different personality and views on life and also since our lives are so intertwined, having to see each other everyday, she’s afraid that if we do get together and breakup it wouldn’t be that good as we would lose a good friend. We agreed on taking a one week break (not seeing each other) and to see if we actually like each other and she’s gonna let me know when she’s figured it out. What does everyone think I’m just kinda lost at the moment…. I’m confused in what I should do and I started to question myself if I really do like her. Perhaps I’m afraid of rejection and don’t know how to handle this situation. Please give me advice

TL;DR : basically there’s this girl like rn and she liked me before. We have the same lessons so we see each other everyday. She’s just worried that if we get together and if we do breakup it’s be awkward as we see each other everyday and she doesn’t want to lose a friend. We’re not seeing each other for a week to take a break and see if we truly actually like each other. I keep thinking about her and don’t know how to get out of it. Pleas help.

1 comment
  1. Not sure what your question is. You, to boil it down, asked a girl out , had a bad date, and now she doesn’t want to go on another date. Ok, that happens. Carry on, you’ll be fine.

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