Asking because I was told this today. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not scared, I’m as happy as one could imagine. But on the other hand, I wonder because I’m always the one to catch feelings early and just hurting myself because of “going too fast”.

If both parties goes the same rhythm, is there a problem?

  1. It is possible but you have to be understanding about the other party. If you give off strong relationship vibes like you’re too serious or you “need” them too much and it’s not aligned with how they feel at the time it will put them off and make them feel uncomfortable. Ideally you would read their actions and understand what they need at that time and reciprocate, but don’t try to force the other person to act a certain way. Their actions are a reflection of their feelings.

    They can be scared of you catching feelings and all that, but if they were really scared and wouldn’t have feelings they wouldn’t let you touch them lightly, make out until you run out of breathe, make movies watch you etc.. Hope you get the point

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