My boyfriend and I recently tried anal. First time for me but I’m not sure for him, I haven’t really got around to asking. I know there’s a lot of stigma around this topic if straight men doing anal or wanting it. I know my question sounds stereotypical but, should I be suspicious about his sexuality? Can we do this and him only being into girls or because he’s aroused by anal is there a chance he could like both sex’s but be more lean towards me and females in general? btw i was really excited to try it and always wanted to and we happy when he opened up to me about wanting to do it with me.

edit: I never thought this way before! I just over heard my brother and his friends calling is sus and weird and i was wondering if i should worry that it might be weird. either way idc bc i like him sm. again ik there’s a lot of stigma around it and everyone has different opinions on what’s weird and what isn’t. I honestly just do what feels good and what we’re comfortable with and honestly whatever turns him on, turns me on 🙂 It’s not “sus” to me just again immature stigma, sorry!!

  1. Okay, you seem to be failing to understand something, him liking ass is entirely unrelated to what gender he likes. It’s like if someone called your eyes beautiful and you went „but DUDES have eyes, are you gay????“

  2. You, or your brother more so, is being judgemental and doesnt understand how sexuality actually works.

    And errs on the side of shaming people for their sexuality if it did actually occur that your bf is bisexual.

    But liking anal has absolutely nothing to do with liking men inherently.

  3. Your brother is an idiot. Lots of straight guys are into anal for a variety of reasons. It’s not remotely weird or “sus” or whatever.

  4. When/where gay sex/relationships were/are illegal, people assumed that a gay top would have to make due – a masculine woman (body, face, whatever he’s into) and anal sex would be the closest to what he’d prefer, so that’s where the stigma came from. It’s not terribly accurate – not every gay guy is a top, not every top likes anal or masculine woman faces and bodies, and lots of those guys aren’t 100% anti hetero sex. So, did a male engineering student in a relationship with a woman who liked anal with her once come out as gay? Probably, yes, but that doesn’t mean every guy who likes anal is closeted any more than it means every engineer is closeted.

  5. Are you saying he tried anal on you and you think that might be gay because what your brother said?

    Or are you questioning if he wants anal, does that mean he likes men?

    Either way, none of the above would imply that he’s gay.

  6. The only guys who think anal play is “gay” are men who have serious insecurity issues.

    For a guy to really enjoy anal play from his female partner, he has to be very secure in his masculinity and he has to have a high level of trust in his partner.

    How about this…..if a gay guy gives a blowjob to another gay guy….does that make them straight?

  7. The anus is an area filled with lots of nerve endings that can deliver pleasure. It’s a normal part of sex regardless of gender, and independent of sexual attraction or sexual identity.

    Explore away with your boyfriend and enjoy the anal journey. Both of you will love it over time

  8. In the last year I have started to explore things in my ass, now I couldn’t imagine tabling it. I cum way harder when something is in there, like leg shaking. I have zero interest in men. It’s hot when my gf pegs me because she is hot and I love her, that does not translate into me having any desire to be fucked by a man

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