This guy I (f) have been seeing for the past three weeks told me very early on that he wanted to take things slow. I agreed since we both came out of longer term relationships and it was obvious that we are both still working through some things. Our date went really well and we ended up spending the weekend together. We subsequently met for quite a few more dates, spent time with his friends and have been texting every day.

I am really into him but am also cautious about not moving too quickly. We had a brief talk last weekend where I told him I needed a bit more reassurance about exclusivity. He told me he still has the apps but hasn’t been talking to or seeing anyone else. I am feeling like I am getting some mixed signals here where things haven’t been exactly moving that slowly but he is definitely holding back on more commitment.

Not sure if I am moving too fast here because of former relationship issues and needing that reassurance or if these are red flags for a potential relationship.
We are both in our early thirties.

1 comment
  1. It’s been three weeks and you’re already feeling anxiety about exclusivity. This is going way too fast especially if you’re still reeling from your last relationship. Everyone has a different definition of slow but spending the weekend together right after the first date (and I assume this includes sex) seems a bit rushed. If this was a one-night stand kind of situation, it would seem fine but you’re trying to build a relationship here, right?

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