It might seem I m overthinking but it’s really difficult for me so bear with me what I’m writing..any suggestions or resources are highly welcomed.

Context: 22M walking down streets in urban village setting.. And seeing people sitting on every corner.. I hate people here.. So dont greet them. And I believe not looking at people make you attractive to them kinda sigma male so I don’t look at them directly..but this ignorance make me feel arrogant and I also want to be aware of my surroundings like who’s sitting down the way. So how do you take quick glance without getting noticed? I always get caught when I’m looking

Also some of them keep looking at me when I pass by them and this makes me creep out and I become over conscious of my way of walking and clothes and all. So should I also look back at them and lock eyes to assert dominance.. Or just keep up with alpha walk ? People usually zone out while walking towards their destination but I don’t know how yo zone out or what it means

1 comment
  1. First of all — you need to abandon this whole alpha/sigma/whatever mindset, run the opposite direction, and do not look back. None of it’s real.

    Second, it’s fine not to look at people as you walk. It doesn’t make you seem attractive or arrogant — it just means you’re not interested in interactions at the moment. If anything, you’ll just seem like you’re focused or in a hurry.

    Shouldn’t be too hard to glance at something or someone without being noticed, so long as it is in fact a glance and not a stare. If you are noticed or accidentally make eye contact, it doesn’t mean anything and they’re not going to think anything of it. Just break it off as soon as you realize there’s contact by switching your eyeline onto something near them, but not close enough to where they’ll think you’re still looking at them.

    When all’s said and done, it’s a good exercise to practice having a more realistic perspective, which is that everybody else is far, far, far more concerned with themselves than they are with you, so don’t sweat it.

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