I have been noticing a lot of men in this thread are being extremely mean to women when they come over here and vent about stuff y’all always find a reason to blame us for something

  1. Maybe I don’t pay enough attention to this sub but I see about 50/50 percent of ppl complaining about the opposite gender…..just my 2 cents.

  2. There are more men on Reddit than women. I just remember to keep that in mind when I see threads like that.

  3. There seem to be more frustrated men in dating subs, and more frustrated women in relationship subs.

  4. Because most of us are angry and bitter about online dating and blame women for it. I’m not anymore because it worked out after 2 years of bullshit. But they don’t realize it’s 70-30 men to women ratio, and just blame you. I am not saying it is fair, I’m just explaining why.

  5. Because most guys that browse this Subreddit are insufferable borderline sexist men who think the real reason they can’t get a date cause they’re ‘only’ 5’10”.

  6. Most of these men just don’t know how to deal with their frustrations in a healthy way and communicate so they come to an anonymous forum where they can air out their backward perceptions of woman.

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