Would you want to know? Whether it is a current partner, ex partner, sibling, friend, etc…would it make a difference who tells you?

  1. Yes I’d like to know and it will not make a difference but I still want to know what the dream is about.

  2. It absolutely makes a difference who it was. I had a female coworker tell me she had a dream about me and judging by how red her face got, it made me very excited.

    Nothing happened though. We were both married.

  3. No im not given u a baby. Or no i havent cheated on u would be my responses. No one else cares enough to dream about me.

  4. That’s the ONLY time allowed to tell others what you dreamt last night if you’re in it.

  5. It’s interesting if it’s someone I am interested in (because it may give me info about how they see me subconsciously)

    I don’t care if it’s anyone else

    Just to be clear people I am interested in are people that are close to me and I like spending time with, and maybe a person I want to know more about but we’re not close yet.

  6. I’m usually curious to know what it is but I don’t really have an opinion usually. I’ve dreamed of people I haven’t thought about in a long time and don’t care about, doesn’t really mean anything.

  7. Curious, mostly.

    We don’t really control our dreams; as long as it wasn’t anything explicit or overly weird, I’d feel oddly honored that I was part of their dream and would want to hear about it.

  8. That one time when two chicks who were only acquantences through me had the same dream on the same night.

    My neighbor’s girlfriend told me about a dream she had with me giving her my newly acquired tablet on our way to school (it was 2011 tablets were just in their infancy), we get into class and settle in and another chick who i was friends with said she had a dream about me and being the sarcastic ass i am i stated “Let me guess i gave you my tablet.” to say she was flabberghasted is an understatement.

    Cant explain it.

  9. If someone brings up they had a dream with me in it, they should tell me what the dream was about. Otherwise, why bring it up. If during the course of the dream we were intimate, then it depends on who it is. My wife? Ima need details. A coworker? Nothing good can come if discussing it, it should never be brought up. I’m not saying it’s inappropriate to have said dreams, but sharing them with someone in a committed relationship doesn’t do anyone any good.

  10. It would depend on who is telling me but generally a whole lot of nothing.
    Even if an ex partner reached out of the blue, and opened with that, I would assume it was a fairly innocuous dream that just made them think to catch up.

  11. If it’s a woman I’m interested in: What kind of dream?

    If it’s anyone else: Did we kick ass?

  12. “Awk that’s nice, they must have thought about me sometime during the day”.

  13. it’s more weird that they’re talking to me about their dream than it is that they dreamed about anything in particular.

  14. Not really. I am usually the bad guy in most peoples dreams. I would be terrified about getting in trouble for something they made up.

  15. If it’s a relative, I don’t want to know.
    But with anyone else I just hope I didn’t piss them off.

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