What’s it like to have a girlfriend who has no friends ?

  1. I’ve had this situation before. Its nice a lot of the time because I love spending time with them. Its just sad occasionally when you have special plans that you know they aren’t going to do because they don’t enjoy it and they seem depressed they have no one to make plans with during that time.

  2. Depends on why she has no friends IMO.

    If she doesn’t have friends because she doesn’t have time or opportunity to see them often due to distance/time or that she loves having limited contact with people, that’s fine.

    But if she has a rotating circle of friends, where they can go from friends to enemies in a few months, and where she’s always somehow the victim because her friends “are bitches and backstabbers”, then I would say that’s a potential issue moving forward IME.

  3. I didn’t enjoy having a girlfriend with no friends of her own, because it felt like she depended on me to fulfill all her social needs, and be super mad at me if I didn’t do that 100% of the time. Honestly never felt so smothered in my life. When she moved an hour away, if I mentioned seeing any other friends on our daily phone call, she picked a fight and wouldn’t let me end the call for hours.
    Nobody who says they are fine and happy without friends is telling the truth.

  4. Not me but my friend has one, it’s pretty sad because she only has him and if he goes she loses everything. Not to shit on the guy but he owes her space for her to grow and enjoy life. The arrangement looks really suffocating on the outside.

  5. I would say that I probably come off as super annoying, attention whore. I literally don’t talk to anyone else but him.

  6. To be honest it’s been kind of an interesting mixed bag. I have a ton of friends of every walk of life but I’ve been in two long term relationships with women who don’t really have many friends at all but they were very different.

    My ex had barely any friends, she had many at one point but she sort of went down a downward spiral mentally, had to take a lot of therapy because she became intense pretty often. After several years of dating it was pretty much just her and I and by then she was very possessive and jealous if even talked to a woman. Super clingy and later she cheated on me with a former friend of mine.

    My current gf doesn’t have many friends either, mostly just because she’s both very introverted and very shy. She can handle conversations fine but she has problems initiating them and often just prefers to spend her time on her own more. The main difference I feel like is she actually wants more friends and actively does make an effort to have perspective on how she can better her social skills to try and get more. What’s great too is despite the fact she doesn’t really have a lot of people to spend time with besides myself she’s barely clingy at all, she lets me go about my business, have my alone time, and she never complains at all.

    People are very different, no two people are the same so I guess for this like most scenarios it’s case by case

  7. To me its a big red flag.

    Dated someone with a whole long history of bad relationships, platonic and romantic. Slowly doled them out and of course made it seem like they were always the victim, and it was never their fault.

    In my experience if someone hasnt been able to maintain any platonic relationships then that tells me they cant maintain a romantic one either. They also need your full attention always in lou of any othet sources of it. It was a disaster and I will never date someone like that again

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