What do you think the next major unpredicted world event will be?

  1. Unpredicted? None.

    I think there’s enough scientists, psychics, and religious fruitcakes out there to cover just about everything unless Kanye decides to come out as Trans or Estonia goes to war with Guiana or something stupid like that.

    If you meant Unprecedented?

    I think we’re getting ready to see some global famines on the scale of the Irish potato famine and while first world economic juggernauts are gonna be fine, a LOT of people are gonna die.

    I could also see the US having an internal refugee crisis as more and more southwestern communities become unsustainable as reservoirs and aquifers run dry.

  2. Some ideas:

    -Russia starts knocking down US satellites in orbit.

    -Terrorists blow up the Suez Canal, and global shipping comes to a grinding halt.

    -Civil wars in South America draw US intervention.

    -North Korea shoots a South Korean soldier, and there is a major standoff for a couple weeks.

    -A major global recession causes a total crash in the Chinese economy.

    -Scientists finally figure out nuclear fusion, but everyone squabbles over how to deploy it.

    -Black South Africans finally go full genocide on their white population.

  3. Global famine. Millions of people are going to starve to death in the third world over the next few years because the West and China locked down during covid.

  4. I’m predicting a major country will fall and or go to war then fall. Lots of contenders for that one, either that or some bland invention will change the status quo, or a disease gets cured, crossing fingers for Alzheimer’s.

  5. technically impossible to say but the next major world event will likely be the cracking of nuclear fusion or the detection of biosignatures on another planet (note: not necessarily first contact or even detection of intelligent life, just the first clear evidence that life exists outside of earth)

  6. Could be AI, the breakthroughs are scary fast already and I can see it kind of upending shit in no time at all.

  7. Llamas rise up and overthrow mankind. This event will be known as Llamageddon. We’ll never see it coming

  8. San andreas fault major event causing major devastation to California

    Sorry cali people, no hard feelings

  9. Probably not unpredictable but i’d imagine fresh drinking water and food will be the source of more wars moving on.

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