I’m(M22) a teacher’s aid at a elementary school and I started to develop a crush on another teacher aid (F24) who I see very often. I complimented her looks and asked if she wanted to go on a date sometime. She told me ” ummm, I don’t know “. I said “alright, just let me know whenever you want to go on a date and have a nice day ”

I took the next few days off to handle some family buisness and I won’t be at work until Friday.

Should I ask her out on a date again when I go back to work or should I just not even bother and move on ?

  1. That’s a no without telling you no. You shot your shot and ball is in her court now to make the move. Last thing you want is her feeling uncomfortable if you continue to ask.

  2. No, don’t ask again. Sounds like a polite no to me.

    Or maybe she’s more sensible than you regarding the “don’t date coworkers” rule.

  3. Do not try again. She’s not dumb, she knows you like her. The last thing you want to do is have her start gossiping about you at your place of work.

  4. That’s a no unless she comes back to you on her own initiative. Ask again and you seem desperate or harassing; neither of which are good.

  5. This is a polite way to say no. She might be afraid of escalation so the best thing is to never mention it again.

  6. If you ask a girl out, and she says anything other than “Yes”, then the answer is “No”.

  7. >”alright, just let me know whenever you want to go on a date and have a nice day ”

    This was absolutely the right response and now you need to stick to it. You made yourself clear and you left the door open for her. If she never brings it up again, you should never bring it up again.

  8. Sounds pretty uninterested. Why would you want to go out with someone who is uninterested? Personally I like a woman who may actually be excited to see me.

  9. I would leave her alone. Wait until she brings it up to you but for now move on to somebody else because that was a pretty shitty response. It takes courage to ask somebody out and to hear a response like that was pretty lame on her part

  10. No. There has to be a reason for her hesitation.
    Did she just get out of a breakup. Does she feel awkward about dating a co-worker? Is she straight? Is she interested in someone else, and maybe has been on him to ask her out?

    You asked, she felt awkward for some reason and couldn’t say yes or not, you told to let you know. You have done all that you can, now the next move is hers. Just go back to work and treat her like you always do. If she is in interested, she will let you know.

  11. It’s out there. It’s done. You handled it beautifully. Change nothing. Move on with your life. If she wants to, she’ll let you know. Anymore can make her uncomfortable, especially if she’s a coworker.

    If she never talks to you about it, that’d be your answer

  12. Don’t ask her again. She already knows how you feel and if she wants to later reach out to you to say she wants to go out, she can. If you ask her again you’ll come off as being way too pushy. It’s also an uncomfortable situation for her if you ask her again and push because you’re her co-worker and this is her workplace. She deserves to feel safe and not feel harassed. Asking her out once is fine, if she didn’t say yes then don’t ask again.

  13. Very cool of you to ask her out! No shame in rejection if you communicated what you wanted nice and clear. Wish more guys would shoot their shot! Don’t ask her again though, you already did what you could.

  14. You should forget her. I dont know is a pretty weird and inconsiderate response to give. Im willing to bet that you wouldnt be happy with her.

  15. leave her alone lol. don’t be that creepy persistent guy, especially since you work at the same place.

  16. First off, well done for having the courage to ask somebody out face to face, nowadays it’s very rare for a guy to have the guts to do this. Secondly, due to it being rare for guys to ask girls out face to face, this may not happen to her much and she may have been thrown off and frozen by your boldness and instead of hurting your feelings by giving you a straight no she mumbled out the first thing that came to her mind. Definitely do not ask again though, because this has the potential to make her feel uncomfortable and also has the potential to hurt your self esteem if she gives you a similar response. If anything is to happen between the two of you, the ball is now in her court.

  17. For most situations this rule is pretty helpful; if it’s not an obvious yes then it’s a no

  18. Best not to. She gave you a soft “no” because she probably doesn’t want it affecting her working relationship with you. Just act like it never happened and move on.

  19. It’d be disrespectful to ask again. It would imply you don’t think she knows her own mind.

  20. It means she doesn’t know you well enough, yet. I know, that’s what the date is for! But no, going on a date seems like a sign of interest already, and that is just not how she feels. She needs to feel that vibe first. There needs to be a nice, smooth conversation with eye contact, something flirty, but not creepy. Or some equivalent of that via text.

    So I’d say, next time you kinda take a step back. Tell her you realized that you have been to straight forward asking for a date, no hard feelings (regarding her rejection). Don’t apologize, though. You were just feeling spontaneous. Let her know that you understand the importance of getting to know each other first, and that it’s okay, if she felt more comfortable doing that via text first. If her response seems positive, ask what her number is. If she responds in a negative way, let it go, move on, but be cool about it. She will respect you more, if you can take a rejection gracefully.

  21. It’s never a good sign when a woman says “Umm I don’t know”. Just leave it. As a woman I can understand that most women feel awkward saying “No” because a lot of guys can get angry when they’re rejected.

    I would just leave it. If you ask a girl out in future and she says “I don’t know” that usually means “No”.

  22. You want an enthusiastic yes, not a response that is, at best, a reluctant maybe. You deserve someone who is as excited about you as you are about them.

  23. Pro tip: don’t date at work.

    It makes everything 100x harder.

    The dating part. The working part. The breaking up part.

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