The two women I have made orgasm from PIV or from massaging their g-spot didn’t react the same. With one girl there was actual proper contractions and I felt her walls tighten around my dick. With the other girl all the signs were there, convulsions, her in a complete daze and unable to speak, muttering stuttered whispers under her breath however there was no contractions (this was just with my fingers tho so dunno 🤷‍♂️). When I thought about it I thought she might’ve been faking it but on the second round she squirted on my dick which I’ve heard can happen after an orgasm or during so this adds a bit more confusion. Any opinions or experiences on this matter?

  1. Some women have very exaggerated reactions to an orgasm, some women have very subtle reactions. It can vary based on how intense the nut is or how turned on they are.

  2. In my experience it varies widely based on the woman. I’ve been with quite a few and I’ve known some girls to literally just tense up their entire body, some only breathe heavy, and I’ve had some where they squirt like a super soaker screaming and violently shaking.

    But like someone else said, level of arousal, setting, and some other factors can play a role as well. Not all orgasms look the same but all orgasms are dope

  3. Contractions are common but they are not universal. I’ve had both. Neither orgasm is the ‘better’ one. They’re both equally good whether there are vaginal contractions or not.

    Also sometimes even if someone is not experiencing orgasm but it feels good or their muscles spasm this contraction can happen.

  4. Yes it’s true. With my wife I can feel the contractions with my fingers or tongue, but not with my penis. Other partners have had contractions so intense I had to work to keep my penis from being pushed out. Just a natural variation in human sexual response.

  5. My orgasms very from day to day
    Most are what I consider an average reaction. I tense up, hold my breath at the peak and than let out a moan. Some are more subtle and it’s just a little shiver/shudder and heavy breathing. On the most intense I’m gasping for air, silent can’t even talk, and I’m shaking until I go limp

    It just depends on so many things

  6. It varies, I do squeeze when I’m cumming but then again I can squeeze whenever so… An effective way to tell with me is if my nipples go hard and you can see the goosebumps… Out of breath, dazed eyes yadda yadda yadda and if I laugh a little afterwards that was a major big one 😅

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