So I (21f) met this guy (21m) through a mutual friend a little more than a month ago. For the past month, we’ve been hanging out almost every weekend in group settings with our other friends. About three weeks ago, we added each other on social media and we started texting each other pretty much everyday. We then started flirting here and there, little by little. He seemed interested in me because he would call me often almost daily. About two weeks ago, during a group outing, he got me alone for a few minutes and he kissed me. I kissed him back, and yeah I guess we’ve kinda been a “thing” ever since.

A few days ago, we even hung out alone for the first time. We had a good time together, and it led to us making out and him trying to initiate sex with me. I said no because I felt like it was too fast. He understood, and things were good between us. Now this is where it gets weird, about two nights ago, we hung out in a group again, we went to an amusement park. Our friends don’t know that we kissed and the fooling around we did the other day, so me and him just act normal when we’re with our friends. We act platonically when we’re with them. But on this night, idk why it kind of bothered me?

While standing on line waiting for a ride, he was in front speaking with his guy friend, while I was in the back speaking with my female friends. I felt some weird type of way that he wasn’t really paying attention to me. I know that he wasn’t going to be kissing me in front of our friends, but for some reason I felt upset that he wasn’t really talking with me much in the group setting, and that he barely ever got next to me. Idk why I felt like this, but it led to me being a little upset the rest of the night. Whenever he would try talking to me here and there, I kind of gave him an attitude.

Eventually, he caught on that I seemed upset and he asked me how come I’m mad. Our friends were next to us, so I wasn’t going to talk to him about it with our other friends listening, so I lied and I told him that I’m fine. However for some reason I kept on giving him attitude the rest of the night. I guess I felt some type of way that we call and text everyday but when we’re with our friends, he mostly avoids me. But yeah he caught on that I was mad bc of the attitude I was giving him. But I don’t think he knows why I was mad.

Today, when I was about to text him to apologize and explain everything, I realized that he had unfollowed me on my social media. This proves that he got mad at me as well. But I wonder why he didn’t try texting or calling me afterwards to talk about it without our friends there? I realize I may have overreacted a bit, so I texted him asking why he’s mad and he just didn’t respond to me. I unfollowed him as well, and I just feel so confused about everything now. Idk how I feel about him, idk if I feel something for him or if I see him as a friend, but it makes me sad that he got mad as well, and I’m going to miss our phone calls and daily texts. What should I do?

Tl;dr: weird situation with guy friend, I don’t understand why I got so upset over something

1 comment
  1. U got mad and u should have been the one to sort it out and not wait for him. He was acting distant with ur friends because ur friends probably didn’t know u guys were dating and he respected it enuf that he kept his distance in the public environment so that u guys can tell it to them when u were ready. And then u were showing an attitude and he probably got pissed.

    U should definitely call him up and clear the air

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