I am curious as to how men respond to their wife’s stresses, or girlfriends, significant other.

Today I had a very stressful day. I deliver RV trailers and I was searched at the border, inspected at the scales and I had a check engine light on my truck. My husband who is a diesel mechanic laughed at me when I was concerned about driving 300 miles without cell service and told me that it wasn’t a big deal.

When I got home I was irritable and I don’t feel well. My husband is mad because I am cranky.

What is normal🤷🏼‍♀️

  1. If my wife is stressed I stand way back.

    Sometimes she’s stressed and I don’t even know it, and the all of a sudden we’re fighting over spilled milk or something equally stupid.

  2. My wife was just telling me about some stuff that’s stressing her out: I listened to her, asked some questions, validated her feelings (she has every right to be stressed out about the stuff) and gave her a small, but genuine compliment.

  3. Single atm but if I register an ounce of stress in another person I care about then it is muscle memory to try and comfort them and get them to talk through the stress, as it is more often than not greatly relieving for someone to talk about what stressed/stresses them out, and usually this prevents the bottling of stress or prolonged focus on it.

    The real challenge is remembering every word and key detail (Ding Dong ADHD Gong).

  4. In my experience the disconnect is often due to lack of communication of the emotional toll of things combined with an inadequate response. I often respond with an attempt to fix the issue, which while technically helpful doesn’t actually help relieve feelings my partner feels.

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