i started at a new school in september, and it’s been 6 months. the first couple weeks months went well getting to know people and talking to a lot of different people, but not rly texting anyone. i settled in with a set group of 4 other girls and i spend all of my time with them. i don’t have other friends outside of them but they seem to have lots of friends.

in November, this guy i noticed had been staring at me in class for a few weeks started paying heavy interest in me. i was surprised cuz he was very straightforward with his interest in me, and i tried to hint that i didn’t want a romantic relationship when i didn’t rly know him. 2 girls who were friends with him warned me to be careful and not get too close to him (they weren’t friends at the time). 3 weeks late, he has completely ghosted me and suddenly the three of them are friends. it was my fault for taking the word of ppl i barely know.

These days i feel very left out in group conversations. My friends unintentionally ignores me to talk to a group of guys that they are friends with. Nobody directly talks to me and i end up just standing around bc it’s impossible to say anything when they are all shouting at each other.

I love my little friend group, but they never respond to my texts, never have the time to meet up outside of school, and i just feel very lonely and socially rejected. it’s the weekend and everybody is busy, ive had such a rough week and i really need someone to talk about it with. i think it would be a good idea to get to know new people but everyone has fixed friend groups now and i don’t know how to start talking to anyone at this point in the year.

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