For example in Kentucky, ALE-8 is pretty popular as regional soft drink, and is manufactured in Winchester, KY.

  1. Cheerwine in North Carolina is a like a Dr. Pepper with the cherry flavor cranked up to 11.

  2. Ale 8 is fantastic stuff. It actually has a bit of a special place among rock climbers because of the popularity of the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. People come from all over the country to climb there, they hang out at a local pizza place, and drink Ale 8. On my last trip down I posted a picture of a bottle with nothing else and had a dozen people instantly comment asking if I was in the Red.

    You’ll see t-shirts from that pizza place, Miguel’s, in any climbing gym in the country. I’m convinced you could sell Ale 8 at all of those gyms, too.

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