This is going to be long so bare with me, also I’m sorry in advance for any bad spelling or anything like that, im still in shock over what just happened.

First I will give you some back story. My moms grounds for saying what she did are because of these three events in my life.
One when I was five I was playing with a axe and threw it behind me and it hit my friend. She was Fine and just had to get some stitches. The second was when I was 14 and sold nudes and “used panties” online and the police found out and came to my house, now the most recent one (about a month and a half ago) was when I was driving with my friends to school we got into a car accident (when I was driving) lucky no one was hurt but the car was totalled. We got a new one that was my dads before but I get to have it now.

Now for what triggered the fight, in the past week or so I’ve damaged the car a little bit, I bumped into the garage and popped the tail light out. Now this was very carless of me and I know that I should have been more careful but I genuinely don’t know if it needed the response that I got from my mom. I also do want to note that I have been spending a lot of her money because I can not get a job as I’m doing a dual credit program and my senior year of school.
The tail light just happened today so that is what ultimately triggered it.

We were fine until she wanted me to go to the store but then changed her mind. She then went on to say that I needed to give her my keys because of how I was driving even though she said it was okay and gave me a second chance. She then went on to this all the things above and said that I should get checked out because things have escalated to this point. I said that she should have never had me then and she said that she regretted it. I then went upstairs to my room where she came in after I told her not too. She opened the door and said that she thinks I should get checked out since schizophrenia runs in my family. She then said that I might be a sociopath. I yelled at her to get out and she said that I was finally reacting to what was happening, since it seemed I hadn’t reacted before. She said she wouldn’t leave until we had to resolved, or unless I gave her my car keys. So I just kind of told her what I thought she might want to hear and she left she said she was sorry for being so harsh. But I genuinely don’t know what to do I feel gross. i also have tied to get her into therapy with my therapist with no luck. she said she’ll just side with me and doesn’t want to go.

she has never spoken to me like this before, never and i’m just left stunned.

1 comment
  1. It might be in your best interest to figure out moving out of her home. From there you can guage if distance helps the relationship or not and decide how much you want your mom involved in your life.

    Schizophrenia usually doesn’t start till around 25+, on a side note Incase you were concerned.

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