So I went to this party at my friend’s place, and ended up speaking to his sister for a while. I think she was interested in talking to me as well but I’m not sure (i was a little drunk). Now i looked her up on Instagram the next day and I noticed some of my friends are already following her.
Do you think she’ll find it creepy if she knows i looked up her profile and followed her?
Maybe she thinks that her name popped up as a suggestion because we have mutual followers? But how likely is it that her name came up as a suggestion the day after i met her?
(Also, she’s my friend’s sister :///// )

1 comment
  1. I don’t think it’s weird, just follow her. You’ve talked to her so she knows who you are.

    It’s funny because yesterday I was thinking about how my god sisters follow all my friends without ever meeting them. It’s really not that weird because I’ve mentioned them to each other so they know who each other are.

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