So my friends and I talk about sex like normal guys do and they have been telling me about their girls and experimenting with 3somes. Now my wife and I have a great sex life but I can’t help but feel a little envous when my buddies tell me about their girls wanting to experiment with 3somes. My wife is not into that and made it clear she doesn’t want that and I won’t ask her or even bring it up. However, she mentioned that her best friend just had a 3some and it just made me feel envious and a little wired, not sure how to best describe it. My question is, is this normal for a guy to feel this way when their buddies all kind of tell you about their situations? I wonder if it’s the amount of porn I watch and reddit channels I follow that add to my secret desire to experience a 3some. I feel like every guy might feel like this at some point, but I feel like for me the urge has gotten more intense as the weeks have gone by. Should I take a break from porn? Should I bury these feelings and enjoy what I have? I don’t want to talk to my wife about it because It would probably cause an argument so I wanna avoid that seeing as I don’t want to put my wife in that situation. Sorry I’m all over the place, it’s just hard having these feelings. I just feel surrounded by all my buddies telling me these awesome stories and I’m like window watching if that makes sense. Thanks for reading.

  1. Of course it’s normal for you to feel this way, threesomes are some of the most common fantasies. I feel bad for you that you feel you can’t communicate your fantasies with your wife and I hope you can find a way to communicate better. Burying your fantasies won’t help and isn’t healthy imo. What if you gently bring up her best friend’s story again and ask her to tell you more about it? You can tell her it sounds fun and ask her if that sounds like something she’d possibly like to experience, too. You have to communicate with her.

  2. You are very normal. You still have the right to fantasise about a perfectly common fantasy. The issue you face is most likely deep sexual trauma caused to your wife by her ex. I respect your wife’s wishes, but I also respect your ability to have a fantasy and communicate that fantasy with tour partner. Its somewhat inequitable that she can place a hard limit for a point of discussion on you because of the behaviour of an ex partner. She has every right to not have a threesome, and she has the right to be free from manipulation and coercion into a threesome, but it is unfair that you cannot even mention it. What you are feeling is resentment that this limitation has been unfairly placed upon you, because of him. Unfortunately relationships are compromises and people enter relationships willing to compromise for the partner. You have to make a decision, is this a compromise you are willing to make. In all likelihood the chances of finding a unicorn for a FFM threesome is low anyway, so is it worth traumatising her for a fantasy that’s unlikely to happen, may not be enjoyable and may end your relationship? The answer is most likely no, but only you can decide.

  3. Hmmm I would be thrilled if my SO asked for a threesome …. Would have to be with a man though, I’m straight AF and don’t want to fight over the only dick in the room.

    Maybe she would oblige if you offered for her to be the center of attention and add that extra 🍆🍆 eh? 😉

  4. I’m going through the exact same thing 😅. At first, my gf was completely opposed to the idea. Lately, she has been slowly accepting it (still far from it actually happening) and I’ll tell you how I got to the little progress that I have: I told her, and it’s true, that one of the most satisfying moments for me in our encounters is seeing her cum. This, lead to me watching her masturbate which totally turns me on. After she masturbates, I take over, and she cums even harder. In the act, I told her my ultimate fantasy was seeing her be pleasured and cum by somebody else, specifically a woman, and while in the act she said (for the first time) she wanted it, too. Last week she told me she had a wet dream with just her and another girl (first time ever). This weekend we were at a bar, and I made a hint about a potential 3sum that she quickly dismissed lol.. we still have a ways to go, but I do feel like we’re having progress. Hope this helps and if I have more traction I’d be happy to give an update.

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