**Hello, One of our family friends deactivated their Facebook. We found this out because we attempted to contact them about a birthday gathering for my wife. We don’t naturally see them face-to-face and we do not have their phone number. Would it be considered weird to reach out to them via another platform?**

  1. I don’t think it’s weird. They might have left Facebook for a variety of reasons – productivity, mental health, etc – it likely doesn’t mean they never want to hear from anyone again. If they don’t want to connect, then there’s your answer but they may be happy to be thought of!

  2. They may still have messenger. If you search for their name, and you can message them – I would try that. People can deactivate facebook, but keep messenger to keep in touch with people.

  3. Many people deactivate facebook because it has become a toxic misinformation firehose. They’re likely more than happy for you to contact them via other means.

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