So I’m a 27M virgin and I’m wondering if I go on a date with someone and don’t feel anything on the first date, should I stop there? Or keep trying and see if I do later on? I’m not caught up on my ex, I don’t think I’ve talked to her in years at this point.. but just remembering how much passion I felt for her and then not being able to feel it for what seems like anybody anymore is really sad 🙁

Any advice is welcome

  1. You’ll not feel ‘as much passion’ on a first date, as you recall having with your ex.

    Stick it out for at least 2 dates. First date, one or both of you may have had ‘first date jitters’, affecting your behaviour and/or your perception.

  2. Depends. If you enjoyed spending time with the person then I would go out again and see what happens. Sometimes it takes a while.

    If you seriously did not like spending time with them or there is some deeper incompatibility then I wouldn’t.

  3. First dates aren’t really about passion. They are about connection. How was the conversation? Were there long periods of awkward silence or did you really relate to her stories and vice versa.

  4. The other comments make good points but also you don’t have to limit your interactions with this girl to just dates. Call her, talk on the phone for a little while, catch a vibe. This can really let you know wether or not you want to go on that second date and if you do, converting over the phone can help you set up a good second date after learning what she likes. You can get a sense of how she feels about you as well.

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