My partner (26F) and I (24M) are going through a really rough patch right now, we both work in very high stress jobs and are resenting each other due to the stress we are experiencing.

As a result we are on a break and taking some distance from each other with minimal contact throughout the day just the occasional check in on each other or a “I’m gonna stay at a friends house tonight” which we are both fine with and we completely trust each other. For context we own a house together.

My problem lies in the fact that when we are together it is like things are normal we still try to give each other space but I have quite a high sex drive and as a result of my partner being stressed at work she does not. This has been going on for a couple of months and it is really starting to get to me whenever I will try to initiate something I’m immediately shut down.

I understand that we are taking time apart to deal with our jobs until we are both in a better situation mentally and not wanting to kill each other. But it’s still hard when I just want some sort of intimacy to try and relieve some of the stress I’m experiencing and when I get shut down it just adds too it.

I don’t know if it’s just me being selfish and not taking into consideration that she is just having a low sex drive because of work, or is this just how things are now? I have tried talking about it and all I’m met with is just “I don’t want to right now” or “I’m too tired”

I would never ever consider cheating or doing anything to betray my partner but at the end of the day I have needs too and I’m just beating myself up and wondering what I am doing so wrong that she won’t sleep with me?

1 comment
  1. Going on a break doesn’t change anything. The problems you have with each other will still be there. I personally find it hard to believe someone who is stressed by work doesn’t want some relieve with their loved one themselves. If she doesn’t want to talk about it and you are thinking about cheating you should probably end this. Then again I’m a Reddit commenter who has no idea about and you should make your own decision.

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