What has been the biggest problem in your marriage?

  1. My husband constantly talking about me and our marriage negatively to his friends and family … a problem likely leading to the end of our marriage …

  2. She’s pulling back sexually, after 4 kids doesn’t feel attractive and in turn doesn’t do all that she used to before having children, which at times makes me resent having children and makes me feel like she has lost attraction to me, which ultimately just makes me resent myself

  3. She could eat tacos every single day for the rest of her life and I absolutely despise them! If she can’t have tacos she doesn’t know what she wants and I almost never know what I want because I don’t like eating, it’s super boring.

  4. Everyone else. If we could just live in a bubble of the two of us (now 3 of us) things would be prefect. It’s trying to balance each other’s family, work, friends etc which makes things hard.

  5. Wife wants to see other people but still keep me around for…idk? Because I’ll be with the kids while she goes out.

  6. Emotional intimacy, intimacy in general, and communication. Pretty fundamental stuff that will lead to a separation at some point I’m sure.

  7. She’s sick so kissin & cuddlin is off the table for a few days unless I want to be sick too. It’s difficult because we’re disgustingly affectionate.

  8. It boils down to poorly regulated trauma responses and coping skills. But we’ve come a long way and feel more safe with each other than we have with anyone in our lives.

  9. Infertility. I’m glad at how we are handling it, being supportive, leaning on each other, but it’s tough.

  10. Our biggest problem right now is housework and chores. I don’t want to do it and neither does he so right now the house is a mess and that stresses both of us out so we aren’t very nice to each other.

  11. My husbands bad attitude and treating me like his mom at things, and how is mom treated him at other times. Can be controlling and rigid and super lazy now that he doesn’t work.

  12. We have not had problems per se but I would say challenges. To me a problem is something that is pervasive.

    There have been no challenges in our marriage that have been chronic problems.

    Our biggest challenge initially was learning to communicate and deal with one another regarding anxiety and depression. We know how to do it so it’s not a problem, it’s just something that requires more conscious effort than other things.

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