I get that men don’t have a monopoly on making stupid decisions, but this just happens too much. I can take a long time to finish but usually I’m attentive to my partner’s needs and if she’s done, then I don’t mind stopping. Usually what happens though is she thinks its a sensitivity thing and says I should take the condom off.

Of course I say “no” (politely of course) but last time the girl asked why I didn’t trust her. Not only does the question not really make sense but it begs the question of why she trusts ME to begin with. If anything, the people I most want to use protection with are the same people who would let a perfect stranger take it off.

I guess this is mostly a rant but I still wanna know why. I just expect women to be more careful than men about that sorta thing. Especially because usually its men who are depicted as being against it.

  1. I’m a woman and just really love creampies. I never questioned guys when they wrapped it up though. I simply respected their choice and reassured them that I had birth control on the few occasions a condom slipped or broke

  2. In my experience women hate condoms just as much if not more than men. They just have more risk involved with not using them.

  3. For my gf, now wife, it was part of getting serious with me to transition from using condoms to going raw and relying on her birth control. We were going steady and not worried about stds. Maybe these girls are trying to escalate your relationship.

  4. Personally for me condoms make it hard for me to stay wet and I get very irritated if there’s no lube. Normally before sex I would often ask about when the last time they got tested for STDs before I met my now husband. Also as a girl I feel like that condoms are uncomfortable for the man as well. But I also love creampies so there’s that just because I’m a dirty girl.

  5. Woman here.. I always hated condoms. They hurt me and I get a horrible allergic reaction immediately which always turned into an infection by the next day.
    However, I never encouraged a guy to not use one.

  6. Honestly if they are worried about how long you’re lasting they might just be done and hope you finish soon lol sex can quickly turn from super fun to wow this is starting to hurt now he’s taking way too long

  7. I don’t like penetrating sex for 20+ minutes so if it takes you longer than that to finish that’s probably why.

  8. It could be lube. Maybe it’s starting to feel uncomfortable for her. Condoms have a tendency to dry out over time, especially if you’re wearing it the whole time during other activities. Lots of lube helps make everything much more pleasant. It could be she’s on birth control of some kind and isn’t worried.

  9. It could be that she likes cum, or she doesn’t feel satisfied unless you finish. Have you talked about her taking birth control? That might make you more comfortable . If you are in a relationship that is monogamous then it should be fine if she is on bc, if in an open relationship then you all should be testing for STI regardless. It is always up to you tho if you want to wear a condom no one can push you into not.

  10. I have fantasies about taking off the condom in the middle of sex. (With partners consent) something about changing from that plastic/rubber to skin on skin is so hot to me. I’m not sure if more ladies have this fantasy but in a more practical sense the rubber/latex does dry out my pussy. And sex after 20 min (no matter how hot) can start to become uncomfortable. That’s when it’s time to change positions or do something oral or digitally to get back into it.

  11. The people who are so willing to not use a condom are exactly the same people who you should be protecting yourself from. Obviously

  12. I get you completely. I used to have sex without condom a lot, and one time I caught Epididmytis. It was the worst few weeks of my life, and since recovering I made a pact that i will not not use condoms ever! And I have been asked this a few times by women too. And I politely explained and they understood. Since I have been with only my girlfriend now for about 3 years, we ve passed that phase. If condoms are there, we use them sometimes, without them is fine too. I understand your rant. Both men and women need to be careful while having casual sex, STDs are the worst, even worse is unwanted pregnancy.

  13. IME it is becoming more common with the widespread use of birth control.

    In the last year I have been with 2 women who both used birth control and, after a conversation about STIs and recent test results, never wanted to use a condom. Honestly surprised me because in the past I feel like I saw more prevalent condom use and there was a much higher barrier to go without.

    Can’t go without a condom without that conversation though.

  14. Yeah that was my rule, if you say I don’t need a condom, I definitely need a condom. Doesn’t apply to ongoing relationships but if it is a hookup, odds are pretty good she hasn’t been using them with others either.

  15. This has happened with every woman I’ve slept with, super early on in the relationship too. Some of them bring this up on the first night we spend together, most of them bring it up on the 3rd or 5th jaunt. I am by no means a ladies man, and have only maintained super low double digits in my dating life. I’ve had this happen with all of them, they bring up taking off the condom first, and at this point I’ve just gotten used to it.

    It takes a while for me to orgasm, and I often never do on the first night with a woman. But I usually do once we’ve been at it for a while, not to be too cringe about this, but I need to feel affection, and emotional desire for a woman for me to cum. The condom thing surprised me the first time a woman suggested I take it off.

    I keep my business wrapped up until after we’ve both been tested and have agreed to a monogamous sex life. Obviously I wasn’t as careful when I was in my early 20s (in my 30s now) but I’m pretty firm about keeping myself safe now. That might have something to do with it as well though, I don’t know. Maybe if you present the impression of a safe, clean, nonforceful guy, then women are more likely to make the suggestion for you to take off the condom. Who knows.

  16. I can’t speak for all women, but condoms feel so uncomfortable for me and usually dry me up faster. I don’t like the rough feeling and it can be painful for me. Yes it’s a risk, but I take precautions with my boyfriend like getting tested beforehand, I’m religiously taking my birth control, and most of the time he pulls out way before he does cum and usually cums on top of me, onto a cloth, or I suck him.

  17. You don’t want to go condomless on girls you just met, that’s how you get stds/babies. Some girls will intentionally give you an std, my cousin was a guard at a mental health facility and she told me how this one girl bragged about infecting a shit ton of men with HIV intentionally. Or less maliciously, they might not even know what they have. My former sparring partner was hoeing around down in Georgia and caught HIV right at 21. People don’t use condoms here, and one in 10 people down here have hiv because of it, down in atlanta the hiv rate is equivalent to that of a third world country. Despite this girls still try to fuck me without protection, but I’m not about that.

    It’s up to you to protect your health bro, people you just met won’t do it for you. Even if you don’t get an STD, that’s a good way to get a baby. Can you afford a baby right now? Do you even want to have a baby I this really messed up world right now? Ask yourself the hard questions before you let her take it off. Girls will lie about birth control too, that’s how my uncle and cousin had kids, the wife lied about birth control and took herself off of it.

    Only take off the condom if you’re getting a certain level of commitment out of her, that’s the advice my female cousin gave me. You’re not getting that commitment with these girls quite yet OP. please stay safe

  18. I guess she gets a bad conscience and feels bad if you stop without orgasming. The condom makes the glans less sensitive so often it’s easier to have an orgasm without a condom so I guess the girl just wants to be nice to you and offer to continue without a condom

  19. I think some people just get lost in the moment and aren’t thinking beyond what is happening that minute.

    Others just don’t think at all.

    Just remember if she’s letting you do it without a condom she’s probably let countless other dudes do it as well. It’s just not worth the risk.

  20. Maybe it’s because I walk in poly circles, but going without a condom — even with up to date STI test results — is unthinkable. Too many risks just to make things feel a little better.

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