Ok so its late where i am and english isnt my native language so im sorry in advance for all the mistakes.

My girlfriend (25f) and I(25f) have been in a long distance relationship for over two years now. We text every day and see each other every two months or so.
Everything was going great until i had to move closer to where she lives due to work (im now a two hour drive away from her). Now things are kinda weird and i dont know what to do.

For a bit of context, my girlfriend has had issues with her confidence, her family and her work since the beginning of our relationship. I’ve tried to help her the best i could during these two years, and while she has made progress, there are still more bad days than good days.
To add to that, a few months ago she came out as trans, and i supported her, but (and i hate myself for that) i feel like things have not been the same since she started htr, i dont know if its the hormones messing with her mood or some internalized transphobia on my part.

Back to the moving situation :

It’s been a few months since i moved, and im loving my “new life” in this new city, even if im very busy with work. I do see my girlfriend more often than before moving, and even if i dont see her that often, im satisfied and happy with how things are going.
My girlfriend on the other hand isnt so enthusiastic about our new life. Amongst other things, she expected we would see each other a lot more and feels like im forgetting her. We had a big discussion tonight about what she expected and needed from me, and (aside from her transition) it was the first time in two years my needs didnt align with hers.
And, while i love her a lot, im also starting to get tired to try to help her to be more confident or to solve issues that haven’t changed since we got togethe

I dont know if i’m an asshole and should force myself to see her more often, support her in her transition and help with all the issues she has, or if we’ve drifted apart and are no longer “compatible”.

I still love her, but i dont want to hurt her by being semi-present, and im starting to think we shoulf break up.

Thank you for reading, again i apologize for all the mistakes i made.

TL;DR i realized my girlfriend and i dont have the same needs anymore and i dont know what to do to keep us both happy.

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