Hooked up with a girl who I met off an app the other night, seemed really into it. Before leaving, she said “if you’re free later this week, maybe we can fuck again”.

She sent my a nude yesterday while at work, which was super hot and i jokingly asked her why she had to get me all worked up at work, to which she said gotta tease a little. I later send some partial nudes to which I don’t get a reply. I ask her later if she wanted to get some food one night, she said she’d love to. But when I ask her if she’s free tmrw night, all she says is she’s busy tmrw and doesn’t give an alternative date. I normally consider this a sign of no interest. What do you guys think? Should I suggest another date or just ask her generally when she’s free? Or just tell her no worries and to let me know when she’s free? Thanks!

  1. It all went downhill once you sent her nudes šŸ˜‚. You had already done the deed, so think of it as playing with & losing house money.

    Sounds like the overall experience was a win considering dating apps can be such a waste of time. Iā€™m assuming you didnā€™t care about making this woman your gf and just wanted to spread her cheeks like butter.

    EDIT: leaving her alone is better than ā€œlet me know when youā€™re freeā€ if sheā€™s playing games and dodging plans

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