Last week, a person at work asked basic questions about me (are you married was one of them, I said yes). This week, he asked if he could have my phone number. I said “no, sorry” because I felt confused by this. Aside from those basic introductory questions, we have never had a conversation. I don’t understand it from either a friendship perspective (we are not friends yet) or a flirting perspective (he knows that I am married)… I’m trying to understand it because I can be a bit socially dense. But I could not imagine randomly asking a married coworker whom I’ve barely spoken to for his phone number and expecting him to say anything besides “No” or a suspicious “Why?”, so I do not understand if there is a social expectation that I’m missing?

  1. It sounds like HE is the socially dense one.

    At a minimum he should’ve explained why he was asking for it.

  2. You may be shocked to hear this but, lots of married women are interested in having an affair. He was most likely hoping you were one of them.

  3. yeeah i’m not sure how i would read a man asking a woman for her number without any context or explanation, other than as him making a move. i’m assuming he didn’t mean your work number lol.

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