Hi all. Really needing some advice.

I’m 27, she is 25. We basically just celebrated our 1 year anniversary.

We have been long distant the whole time (2 hour drive away).

To me it hasn’t been bad at all, we see each other every weekend, I come up Friday after work and stay till Sunday night.

Our relationship is perfect in many ways, sexually, romantically, passionately etc.

Though she gets in these incredibly frustrated moods where she questions everything about us. We talked about moving in together (me moving to her). I said to give me until February so that I can finish up a job (I’m a carpenter), and to get Christmas/years over with, give notice January and move in together.

That’s not good enough. She wants to move in right away.

It’s like our relationship falls apart every couple weeks lately. We’ve been arguing constantly. Mostly about if I “still like her”.

Most of the time it seems so childish our fights. I know she’s deeply insecure and doesn’t have very close friends. But I care so much about her, that I’m actually worried if we did decide to break up.

It’s been every couple days that she says she wants to break up, I calm her down and insist that I’m moving Feb, and that it will all work out. Yet it repeats all over again, which makes me doubt that she even loves me, like can’t she fucking wait 3 months? For love? I feel it and she does too so I’m worried she is being emotional toward us and therefore trying to destroy it so she doesn’t feel the pain of being apart.

Do I just give notice to work and my apartment and say we’re moving in next month? I just don’t know if that will make the fighting and insecurities stop.. I can’t have a mature enough conversation without her reacting harshly and get her stressed out.

I’ve dealt with long distant well, and I feel bad that I’m causing her pain. Im worried if we move in, we will just fight about some other shit.. idk, please any advice thank you

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