Me and this girl have been together for 5 months now there was a lot of drama at the start mostly because of another guy that she was talking to and doing the deed with. But i toughed it out and tbh I’ve lost feelings almost completely over time and don’t thing they will be coming back. She’s extremely attached to me and stays at my house for weeks sometimes we’re both adults (23 male) me and (22 female). I’m just trying to find the best way to let her down without it being hell she’s already said if i ever leave her i better keep an eye out for myself and my vehicles. Also the other guy from the beginning has made the same kind of comments. And I’m not one for drama or conflict that isn’t needed so any advice would be appreciated

1 comment
  1. It can only get worse from here if you continue to drag it out, the fact they are making threats like that proves they are indeed NOT adults. I would probably voice record the conversation and if she says those threats again you can use the evidence for insurance purposes.

    Your belongings can be replaced but years of your life wasted being stuck with some chick you’ve only dated for a few months can’t be.

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