I am a 25 year old woman and for the past 2 years or so I constantly have dreams about being pregnant. They come in all shapes of sizes from having vivid dreams about actually giving birth to just being however months being pregnant walking around. It’s starting to freak me out because it feels like a huge biological message from my body to start having babies now before it’s too late. It’s such a weird phenomenon but I don’t know many of my friends who experience the same thing and I’m wondering if it’s a sign that I could be going infertile and need to quickly get pregnant (paranoid I know). Does anyone else have these dreams and know why they happen all the bloody time? It definitely happens more at the start of my cycle so it feels like a hormone thing for sure – but is this normal? I have no intentions to get pregnant for the next five years at least!

  1. Dreams aren’t that literal, and you certainly shouldn’t have a child because of your dreams.

    I use to constantly dream I couldn’t walk and was in a rush to go somewhere. But I was stuck to the floor desperately trying to move. In real life I still can walk.

    I also used to have dreams my teeth were crumbling out my mouth and falling out. I still have teeth and they’re very healthy.

    Usually these kind of dreams are anxiety based and yours focused on new beginnings (with pregnancy/babies)

  2. No, it isn’t normal. Dreams are the “post processing” of daily information. It might as well be that after a first dream you researched about pregnancy so there was a second dream, more research and so on.

    It’s also unusual to remember dreams, they say we dream every night but few times we remember them.

    I read something about recurring (or recurrent) dreams and it actually happened to me, to dream about a specific situation for a number of nights, sort of understand you because that feeling of “having seen it before” reinforces the idea of being something real.

    In my case it was living in a house (that I didn’t see before, completely made up) and seeing same rooms same furniture every night.

  3. A Jungian reading would be that you’re thinking far too literally. Try thinking about metaphorical things in your life that pregnancy could represent. Something in one of your relationships maybe, or work? New beginnings? A project that’s your ‘baby’?

  4. I’ve dreamt many times that i had long feet so when going down the stairs i kind of skied over the steps. Quite enjoyable. I never skied in my life.

  5. You shouldn’t get pregnant because you’re dreaming about it.

    Are people in your life talking about babies, pregnancy, kids a lot?

  6. It might be worth getting your health examined. I have dreams about being pregnant when I have my periods or a bad stomach ache. I think it’s because there is a feeling of pressure in the area of my womb. You might be having digestive issues or something else, that is triggering the same feeling in your mind.

  7. Don’t panic, it doesn’t mean anything like that. Don’t let something as random as dreams influence major life decisions.

    If it makes you feel better I am 37 and happily child free and I’ve had pregnancy dreams since i was a teenager. Sometimes I have phases where I get a lot in a short time, sometimes I go years without any. Exactly the same as dreams about losing my teeth, about being naked at work, about hooking up with exes from years ago, about being able to fly and various other random things!

    Dreaming about pregnancy is normal for women because we spend a big chunk of our lives avoiding it or hoping for it or worrying about it in other ways, it doesn’t mean anything about your fertility.

  8. At 25 I had an incredibly vivid dream of having an expanding pregnant belly.

    I fell, it split and satsumas fell out.

    No idea where that came from!

    (Had pregnancy dreams during my period – guessed it was the womb cramps?)

  9. I am also 25 and the last time I dreamt about being pregnant, I was pregnant with a cat. Last week I dreamt a bloke from work was pregnant and gave birth via his arse.

    A lot of women I know have had babies recently whereas I’ve no interest in them, certainly not right now. 25 isn’t old at all, so no rush to have a baby…

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