So there’s this girl I had a drunken hook up with over the summer. (Im a lesbian btw)
We work together (but not directly) anyways that day she kept telling me how cute she thought I was, and went onto say she had never been with a woman and thought she might be bisexual…at the end of the night she went as far as to say she liked me.
This all caught me very off guard as previously I had only known her to be “straight”.
Fast forward to now she texts me randomly and often initiates text conversations…she will even double text at times if I don’t respond…and asks me to hangout a lot…all good signs until…..
Every single time right before we are supposed to meet up or hangout she disappears…..Is she just not interested?

1 comment
  1. It sounds like despite her interest in you that she may not feel ready to fully explore this part of herself. Alcohol has a way of making it easier to say and do things we would otherwise not have the confidence to do. I don’t think this is a romantic relationship you should pursue, she is not available yet and you deserve someone who can reciprocate. But if you value her beyond the romantic/sexual part, maybe offer her some support. She might need a friend in this time, so might be worth an honest conversation. Something like (but more eloquent), “I know that was new for you. I want you know I am here for you during this time of exploration. It doesn’t have to be romantic.”

    Be the friend she needs, invite her out platonically with some fellow queer gals/humans, and take away the pressure. Who knows, it could one day come back around and be something more.

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